Dr Dastardly

Hey, I just read this a couple weeks ago! First time since high school, which doesn't even count because I was sortof skimming for dirty points. (That plan did not work!) Anyway, I have a very short list of novels I think are perfect; I put this one on it.

I dug Open City! I had a good time trying to figure out how reliable the narrator was, and I bought the hammer ending. And I think his writing itself is staggeringly good, like I haven't read sentences like this in a long time.

This year I finally got around to Henry James. I started with Portrait of a Lady, from his early phase. It has its moments. It's opaque.

would reply but have masturbation scheduled in four minutes

I'm sure this song was carefully vetted and some intern somewhere went through all the lyrics on genius to make sure he doesn't say anything in any way distasteful or whatever, and I'm also confident that Obama probably at least likes the idea of Kendrick Lamar, and also a world where consultants decide that Kendrick

Every once in a while I'm reminded how amazing it is that we got a President in our lifetime who knows who Kendrick Lamar is. Nice job, us. Not on, like, anything else, but nice job on this guy.

Oh hey, I read Magic Mountain this year too! I liked it except for the boring talky parts, so I liked about ten pages of it.

Dude, cut your cable. I pay around $40 for TV: Prime, Hulu, Netflix and I just buy seasons of shows whenever I want to, because it's still way cheaper.

I really liked "Son" off that album. Mostly the bridge, actually. I really liked that bridge.

I saw STP maybe ten years ago? During one of their periodic reunions. He's a terrific performer, I love his voice, I thought STP was underrated even though they weren't really underrated.

thought this was going to be a porno

You're gonna be so bummed out when the rest of us make 63,000 dollars working online and you're still just hanging out in the comments section being CYNICAL.

Eagerly awaiting your remake of Lysistrata, set in the comments section of AVC.

I am basically always down for Spike Lee. Even his failures are at least entertaining and often more.

There are a lot of ways to find out about that. Drawer snooping, coincidental internet habits, one stray sentence after three glasses of wine. Don't blame the victim, yo. Blame her shitty little brother.


No one has specifically said that's not in there yet!

next you're gonna tell me there's no wolf rape in Wolf of Wall Street

You've done a good job catching up to ten years ago. Wait'll you see what's happening now!

Jesus Christ, bro, we're worried about you.