yolo ono

Helena better be brought back to clone club sharpish in season 3. Getting pretty tired of her constantly being taken away. Also fingers crossed Ari Millen can deliver, as I didn't care about his character at all this season and tbh was pretty disappointed with his reveal.

The heir to 'Merlin', although without an awesome John Hurt voiceover at the beginning. Always loved that 'in a land of myth and a time of magic…' bit. Hopefully the beeb will let it develop and not kill it before its time, although it could potentially be difficult with Capaldi as Richelieu, due to his other

The two weirdest things about this episode: I was rooting for Betty in that scene at the kitchen table. Ginsberg's mutilated nipple. In that order. Just when you think you know Mad Men, eh?

Come on Sarah, embrace your sestra!