
Is advertising some sort of public service that we all are required to have degrees in X-men studies to interpret? Why can't people expect to go down the street without having to be shown pictures of women being choked?

Is facehugger fetish porn really a thing?
Rule 34, I guess,but still let's not search it out.

One assumes they're just going to mock the ineptness of the Scream tv show?
Hate-watching is going mainscream (or wherever MTV is nowadays).

I too was disappointed to learn Childrens Hospital all appearances to the contrary was not 100% factual.

You let somebody play as Oddjob when money was on the line?!

Timey whimey bullshit?
I mean that helmet was a thing…that Rip Hunter had? Maybe? And somehow Kendra recognized it out of all the helmets in WWII so she could write him a letter which he somehow got because in all the timelines between WWII and whenever the Waverider is from, no one ever looked INSIDE the helmet, the

The lasers know what they did.

A squirrel with a machine-gun!

Friday Night Lights?
(Though maybe those weren't hits, i dunno anymore)

What? It was a slow news day, and all their readership was dead except for the one time travelling captain who kept his subscription. Naturally they'd cover the one story that he was interested in.

Has Winter come yet?
(I know it's years between winters in Westeros but for all their talk of the coming Winter back in the first season I can't believe as much time past as it has taken to film)

This is a reference to him breaking his leg on the millenium falcon, right?
(I didn't see the movie)

Pretty sure they have to burn the body or else soon enough he'll get back up with too blue eyes and kill them all … inside the barricaded room…

With a pink hotel
a boutique
and a swinging hot spot??

So it's like watching the Crank movies in reverse?

It's not the sequel to Meet Joe Black?

Maybe she's on Gotham?
If so I'll never know.

I just assumed it was a side benefit of teleporters…

Let me remind you that the opposite of hate isn't hate, it's … No, wait, you're right; there's always room for more hate. Nevermind, I don't know where I was going with that.

If half your proposed show will be watching a radioactive spider in a terrarium it'd be hard not to see it as an upgrade…