
Wasn't Luck like the only HBO show in recent memory without incest?
Or are we reading something not depicted into the relationship one gambler had with his mother?

Wasn't Luck like the only HBO show in recent memory without incest?
Or are we reading something not depicted into the relationship one gambler had with his mother?

Revolution #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9

Revolution #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9 … #9

That's nothing so special, pretty sure all us nerds have that field… He just had some other crazy mojo that allowed him to suck other people into it, so they could hang around zombie-like in a virtual high school gym?! This was preferable to being alone?

That's nothing so special, pretty sure all us nerds have that field… He just had some other crazy mojo that allowed him to suck other people into it, so they could hang around zombie-like in a virtual high school gym?! This was preferable to being alone?

So Wu is definitively not Wessen now, whew or else the plague wouldn't be contained.

So Wu is definitively not Wessen now, whew or else the plague wouldn't be contained.

But Brent Spiner, yeah I would expect that…

But Brent Spiner, yeah I would expect that…