Cromulent Weasel

Oh God… the birthday party story with the mongoose…

Goddammit! Yeah, sure they they changed some stuff in the name of streamlining but why did they change the MOST charming thing about Pod and Brienne's relationship???

I can honestly say that i LOVED everything about this pilot. The tension is built on what the movie brought us in that you know anyone could die at the drop of a hat. As soon as i saw (and fell in love with) the sheriff, I knew not to expect him to make it through to the end if the series. Great stuff.

Can we stop it with the "brakes squealing" noise every car, no matter how old, makes when coming to a stop? I'm looking at you Homeland…

Thanks Todd, you're the best. 

Spoiler Alert! Dexter is fucking terrible!

OK! Haha! I did it! I watched every single episode.  Whew, that was rough…  So what do I get? Like a participation certificate or something? Maybe a small gift bag?

Oh! And when he showed back up with the bandaid it was in the completely wrong place!  Ugh, this show is the worst.  I just hate-watch it at this point.

I hope there's a procedure for splinting my eyes cuz I think I broke them by rolling them so excessively during this episode.  

Lem Lemoncloak?

Thank you!!! I was wondering if the writers just forgot about that or if he'd bought the apartment behind his instead.  God, the writers on this show are terrible.

This episode was so awful that I feel like True Blood broke into my home, kicked my cat, stole all my valuables, and then peed not only just on my bed but also on my super comfy (and expensive) down comforter. 

Agreed. Also, Jesse didn't get bumped up because of anything Huell noticed, he was smoking pot in the waiting room!

And on a more important note: Why the fuck didn't he use the guest bathroom like a normal human being?!?

I honestly thought Badger was gonna go full-on Wil Wheaton Stand By Me/ST:TNG crossover with the blueberry pie story. 

As one of a VERY small handful of people who even noticed this: Ann's "gown" is actually a robe like the one i would have worn in Bethel when I was in Job's Daughters (pronounced the same as GOB). I really hope I don't get ganked by a pack of feral Eastern Stars now…

I saw that too!  Good on ya Bart the Bear for your own title card!

I would like that comment a million times more if I could. Every time I see Tormond Giantsbane on screen I say "HAR!"

That song has no cadence and it would normally drive me insane but I know there was some brilliant maestro conducting that little girl.  Well done GoT, well done.

Walter called her "Acid" this ep