
"Some people are even offering two unlimited Never-Ending Pasta Passes at once…"

I was really hoping someone would die in this episode. There are just way too many characters and this episode proves that. Did Parrish even get any lines? I really believed Derek was going to bite the dust. Stiles looking back with his 'holy fuck, Derek is really going to die' face was a really good sell. Totally

Wish I could have been there to watch them conceive him

Penny from Inspector Gadget had one of these way before Apple. Way to jump on the bandwagon.

I already have a GPS that verbally abuses me. It's called my wife! Amiirite, fellas? (I'm not really married…..I wonder why. Can't possibly be my original sense of humor….)

The Walking Dead is getting a spinoff? I thought it already was the spinoff to Love Actually.

I don't normally support reboots, but I think Ghostbusters is an exception. I loved the movies and short-lived cartoon series as a kid and I think a new generation of children would really enjoy it. Won't someone please think of the children!

I don't care what he looks like as long as he's smashing Tom Cruise's face with a brick.

Married and You're the Worst feel like the same show to me. FX should just call it the "White People With Relationship Problems Hour."

Mohawk, British, AND ginger?!?! This guy isn't just a villain. He's the fucking Devil.

Wait a minute….Shia LaBouef, Jesse Eisenberg, and Michael Cera are actually 3 different people?! I thought it was just one actor who goes by "Jesse Eisenberg" when he wants to play a smug character, "Michael Cera" when he wants to play a teenage nerd, and then changes into "Shia LaBouef" when he wants to just shit all

Why do the producers need to make these announcements? I wasn't expecting Ra's al Ghul to show up this early. The writers were doing a good job of referencing him and making him this mysterious villain in the distance whose expected presence looms over the show. I want the mystery and tension of not knowing if he will

The order of bizarre-ness in The Paperboy goes:

I don't know how to feel about this. Vince Vaughn is believable as a disgusting politician. But what I don't believe is that people are still hiring his fat saggy ass.

I read Anansi Boys first, enjoyed it, and tried to read American Gods but couldn't get into it. Yet American Gods seems to be the more popular one. I think we made the right decision and everyone else made the mistake.

"I've got some Randy Couture under my skirt."

Everytime I hear about Ja Rule…….oh wait, I don't because this isn't 1999.

I've always hated the name Supergirl. Just sounds cheesy and childish. I really hope they go the Smallville route and give it a different title and never mention her hero name.

And she's soooo tired of all her friends trying to bang her hot cousin Clark because he looks like Henry Cavill.

RIP Fashion Police. There is no point in that show going on without her.