
Nice.  Marble is actually a really good brewery.  I rarely see them outside of New Mexico though.

Ralph should win. Its probably one of the best movies that Disney has put out in a really long time.  Up there with the old Pixar stuff.  (I'd put it on the same level as Monsters Inc)

I certainly hope Life of Pi gets a lot of those.  It was really quite good.

(In response to the post below) I would contend though that the first book in Atwood's Madadam series (Oryx and Crake) really works just fine as a stand alone novel and would be worth reading even if the last book never comes out.

The only reason I got through the first book was because I was on a 13 hour flight and it was the only thing I had to read.  I have still read all the books but got really angry at the series around book 7 or 8 I think.  And book nine (or was it ten? I dunno) I wanted to throw through a window for spending so much

Does anyone else really want Patrice and Robin to be (begrudging on Robin's part) best friends in a flash forward at some point?  That woman is a saint and Robin yelling "DAMNIT PATRICE" is comedy gold.

Does anyone else really want Patrice and Robin to be (begrudging on Robin's part) best friends in a flash forward at some point?  That woman is a saint and Robin yelling "DAMNIT PATRICE" is comedy gold.

The dothraki aren't black either.

Modern Warfare is probably still my favorite episode of TV that has ever been made. This one is up there though.

The Cape stuff was so funny. I loved Abed sneaking up and knocking Jeff's food to the floor. Up there with Vampire Abed and Don Draper Abed for best Abed moments.

Not betraying people is actually like the one defining characteristic of Ned Stark. Dude is married to his honor.

Whoever they pick they will probably need to uglify a bit. A doubt there are many working actresses out there that actually look like Brienne.

For those that want more information about who's who, where the hell ____ is, or some details of the history HBO has created a pretty good viewers guide for just such questions: http://viewers-guide.hbo.co…

Deserves at least an A-
I haven't laughed this hard at an episode of community in a while. Really grade A stuff. Anything with more Jack in it is always better of course and I felt like the large ammount of stuff going on really played to the show's strengths. (Community is still the best show on TV though)

Didn't notice the countdown
So I didn't see the countdown till I read this article. I have to say that my only complaint about the episode was that they didn't save enough time for the emotional beat of Marshal's dad dieing at the end. It was good but could have benefited from just a little bit more time before the