Now the Nightmare is Real

I loved Exotica, but The Sweet Hereafter seared my soul.

My favorite move by Nick was releasing the DVD's AFTER Book 3 started airing. It would be one thing if they were making it easy to view the book 3 episodes after they aired. But since they aren't, its just another example of the incredible incompetence in the Nickelodeon executive suite with regards to the handling of

I think you are misreading Kate's intentions, Scrawler. She plans to let them rob the bank without shooting them. However, once the boyfriend pulls off his mask and rats out her involvement it is clear they will have to kill the manager. So, like Jin, she is forced to use violence to save a life. Mind you, the episode

I was obsessed with this show when it first aired. I made the mistake of showing the pilot to my 10 and 11 year old daughters. 2 weeks later we have now watched 40 episodes…I now spend all my non-Lost viewing time listening to their theories and the ever-changing list of who their favorite character is (Jin and Sawyer

Clearly you've forgotten the Juice in "Capricorn One".

No. No it would not.

I still haven't recovered from Rick riding down the highway half-covered with fresh cut grass last week. Couldn't they have used some of that crazy merchandise money to buy a couple of leaf blowers to give to a couple of interns and at least PRETEND that the county isn't mowing the grass?

Six months from now, as the FBI first responders tiptoe ever so carefully through the writer's room of "The Following", making sure not to disturb the murdered and mutilated bodies scattered hither and yon, one jaded agent, reluctantly forced out of retirement, and nursing a wicked hangover, is going to shake his

Sure, Scott's resigning, but not before killing the $&%^'n book reviewer who gave Joe Carroll that terrible review, and then plucking out the reviewer's eyeballs. Classic Poe.