
I love this show, however, I was pulled out of the "world" of THE AFFAIR during this episode because of all of the divergent memory trickiness. One or two twists too many for me.

Oh god help me. Finale? Tomorrow? Sunday nights just won't be the same without this show. It even compelled me to join my first comment board - that is how much I love this show.

And I love Maura Tierney as an actress, she plays Helen perfectly. Because Maura's acting is so great, Helen is disgusting to me. There is something about her character that is so insanely superficial and self absorbed that it makes me want to see her eat shit. Seems like her younger-self thought, "I am tired of

The connection between Noah and Alison goes beyond a fling as I said before. I knew he would not be able to "quit" her - even seeing her makes him smile. What is between them goes beyond sex. I think Noah feels alive and appreciated and HAPPY when he is in Alison's presence. He doesn't seem happy in the least when he

I think you may have meant Noah's was witch Helen (and psycho Martin, for some reason) refusing to join in.

I may be the only person rooting for Alison and Noah and it's mostly because Helen has become intolerable as a character, she is shrill, boring and she is the embodiment of the other b word.

I disagree. That woman is outright dislikable. Helen's announcement that it doesn't matter when they take the money from her parents - "it's all going to be mine anyway" - was horrifying. When Max shows an interest in Alison, Helen says "Come on, you can do better than that" - in a sense she is talking about her own

I love that Maura T can play her role so well, her character is beyond boring and one dimensional. The appointment/plan for getting a romp in with her husband topped off by announcing she will buy a sage candle for the big event (from the natural deodorant store, no doubt) made me cringe. Episode 7: Helen self

Alison tells detective she is going back to the city so she must live there now with her child and her mystery husband. This episode was also peppered with the idea of "inheritance" from the Lockhearts to the Butlers and hinting at possibly one coming from Alison's ailing granny. Funny how the Lockhearts' ranch is

I didn't like this episode because it was scattered, clues were just wedged into the story. Baiting the audience and spoon feeding us. Alison's wedding ring being shown on her hand under the investigators' table. Investigator wearing a ring during Alison's questioning and then not while questioning Noah. The leak in

The Bonnie and Clyde reference? He lost his temper and she helped him cover the damage up. Whoever is dead, I think Alison is covering up for Noah's involvement in the death. While being interrogated we see Alison's style has changed especially her handbag. Clearly she has a bit more spending money for more structured

I am thinking the obnoxious and vacuous teen daughter probably ran down Cole's brother and killed him or Cole.

There is an undercurrent of drug trafficking going on with the fisherman and the Lockheart brothers. The drugs were hidden in the fish Alison picked up (episode 2) and had locked away at the taxi station. She was careful to make sure that door was locked just as Cole always insists it should be locked. Why did she