
Viet-fucking-nam is what happened!

What was the name of the restaurant in Northern Exposure? The Brick? I'd eat there.

Barney Miller, The Maxx, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Young Ones, Simpsons, Jefferson's…

He fixes the cable?

Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!

No mention of Mrs. Tompson freaking out, and leaving, while obviously revealing how her and Owen were knocking boots? That shit was awesome, both of their lovers dead, and now they face each other at the near bottom.

No mention of Mrs. Tompson freaking out, and leaving, while obviously revealing how her and Owen were knocking boots? That shit was awesome, both of their lovers dead, and now they face each other at the near bottom.

Rush? Little Voice? Hudsucker Proxy?

Rush? Little Voice? Hudsucker Proxy?

I'll give her some love.

I'll give her some love.

the really sad thing is that people still believe that there is a difference in the two parties, or that there is some 1% that lives on unicorn burgers and cars that get 10 orphan tears per mile, the evil Repubs, or the caring Dems who just want to take care of the sick wet little kittens with the giant eyes under a

the really sad thing is that people still believe that there is a difference in the two parties, or that there is some 1% that lives on unicorn burgers and cars that get 10 orphan tears per mile, the evil Repubs, or the caring Dems who just want to take care of the sick wet little kittens with the giant eyes under a

Oooohkaay? I will. Is this supposed to be some sort of terrifing threat, or just a bit of good advice? Either way your Mom's ding dong looks like your cats tongue, just a simple fact.

Oooohkaay? I will. Is this supposed to be some sort of terrifing threat, or just a bit of good advice? Either way your Mom's ding dong looks like your cats tongue, just a simple fact.

Will you come down with us?
Will you believe with us?

Will you come down with us?
Will you believe with us?

No mention of Olivia Tremor Control, and it's re-release on vinyl? Also no-one and I mean no one has a better sound on vinyl than Zappa____ ^____.