I stopped reading this as a legit review maybe three or four paragraphs in. I generally adore what you guys do at The A.V Club but you need to get over this 'glory days of seasons past' bit. Diminishing returns, we get it.
I stopped reading this as a legit review maybe three or four paragraphs in. I generally adore what you guys do at The A.V Club but you need to get over this 'glory days of seasons past' bit. Diminishing returns, we get it.
I stopped reading this as a legit review maybe three or four paragraphs in. I generally adore what you guys do at The A.V Club but you need to get over this 'glory days of seasons past' bit. Diminishing returns, we get it.
Veep has been SOGOOD. All round great performances, particularly from Sue The Receptionist, My Girl, Selinafeld and Arrested Development.
Veep has been SOGOOD. All round great performances, particularly from Sue The Receptionist, My Girl, Selinafeld and Arrested Development.
Gorgeous season. I enjoyed so many of the undercurrents, particularly the exploration of 'cult mentality', how we perceive reality and our ideals (LSD, Martians, Shock Therapy, Religion…The Stones and Jaguar!). To cap it off with Don leaving Megan in her fantasy world to pursue his own was perfection!
Gorgeous season. I enjoyed so many of the undercurrents, particularly the exploration of 'cult mentality', how we perceive reality and our ideals (LSD, Martians, Shock Therapy, Religion…The Stones and Jaguar!). To cap it off with Don leaving Megan in her fantasy world to pursue his own was perfection!
Tara continues to live (or un-live) because the writers/creators of the show must find her interesting to write and that's enough of a reason. The major flaw of this show is that it cow-tows to the fandom far too often, making it no more than glorified fan-fiction.
Tara continues to live (or un-live) because the writers/creators of the show must find her interesting to write and that's enough of a reason. The major flaw of this show is that it cow-tows to the fandom far too often, making it no more than glorified fan-fiction.
"That's such a Dick… Grayson thing to do!" Loved the delivery of that line.
"That's such a Dick… Grayson thing to do!" Loved the delivery of that line.
I always find the 'B' movie shlock moments of Fringe to be part of its endearing charm. 'Brave New World Part 2' was acceptably enjoyable though as a series finale it would have been underwhelming and almost instantly would have merited a 'tv movie' campaign from fans.