
I think it means he's like a good writer.

I'm glad the 2009 noms were posted first, actually, as they lead me to "The Lady's Murder" by Eliza Frye, which I probably never would've found otherwise.

I'm sure someone will get this up before my comment gets posted…
… but I'm pretty sure you've listed the 2009 nominees, and not the 2010.

Sweet God
Between these two and A Game of Thrones, HBO pretty much owns me for the next year.

My top five have pretty much all been mentioned (several times) except for one: "Lisa's Rival."

I'm right there with you. Honestly, if they just tightened, rethought or even removed the combat system, I'd preorder the shit out of a sequel.

I'm haven't spent a ton of time with the Battlefield games or their ilk, but in my experience it's a matter of scale. MW2, for instance, is pretty contained: firefights are short, messy affairs in relatively tight spaces, and don't rely on teamwork or coordination (though they can help); objectives are pretty

There's no defending Cook or his comedy - pretty much every criticism leveraged against him is totally accurate - but I will say that he's less odious in a vacuum. I think that's probably why I was able to enjoy him when I did, because I was doing it without any awareness of Dane Cook the Smarmy Douchebag

C'mon you guys…
By the time I get to the party, you're already six hundred comments deep and I'm relegated to the Classifieds back on page 4.

I'll admit, I enjoy "Drop the World," but I can't imagine that sound fleshing out a whole album.

I just finished The Historian…
… and hated it, but I'm struggling to maintain some kind of objectivity here. I don't think my opinion's unjustified, but I'm having a hard time figuring out if the things that bothered me about it are just pet peeves or legitimate flaws in Kostova's writing.


The greatest/worst porn name I have ever come up with:

You're probably fine skipping the first. I'm a fan of the original AC, but that's my willingness to see past its faults, not an absence of them. The second game is a substantially more polished and engaging experience on pretty much every conceivable axis.

I will second (or third, maybe) the love for "Pop Art". I think what gets me is the unexpected depth; it's the way Hill finds the sublime and profound and tragic in a premise that's so inherently ridiculous.

The video won't show up while I'm at work…
… but the headline and first sentence make this the greatest Newswire post ever.


Good call, TWfS. I'd never really considered the Sno-Cat. But, then, that's probably because every time I've watched The Shining the whole way through I've been in the grip of unyielding dread by the time poor Scatman shows up.

Hey Zack
I know you've got that review spoiler up there, but when can we expect to see the review itself? Next week?