
I'm of the opinion…
… that if you're go to watch or read something that's trying to scare you, you should help it along. So I make it a point to watch scary movies at night, by myself, in the dark, and if I'm reading a horror novel, I try to do it after the sun goes down. This always seems like a good strategy until

"Sally Draper levels of acting"? Is that sarcasm? I love me some Mad Men, and just about everything about it, but if there's one thing I would excise it would be that little actress and her horribly forced smiles and stilted delivery.

You'll get none here, TV. She and Janette were the only people this season who seemed to have functioning senses of humour.

Good call, Tasha.
I've been reading King since high school, but I got started by picking up a copy of Skeleton Crew in a book store and reading "Survivor Type" (because it was short, and I knew I could finish it before I had to leave the store). It's stuck with me since then, and it was a great introduction to his

I'll do you one better, if you're a torrent man, and suggest http://torrents.to/, a nice little metasearch that lets you hit up a dozen of the major sites in one fell swoop.

Staying Power
I liked "Fort Nightly" well enough, but it didn't have much stamina - other than a couple of tracks, ("The Plot," "While We Go Dancing") it wasn't an album I could listen to more than a couple times.

But rarely a menacing fucking actor.

I got really excited for about five seconds when I thought Adam was played by Prez from The Wire.

Goddammit, Modell
I'm a couple of episodes behind in "Breaking Bad." I didn't even know Trejo was on it, and now I know he's gonna lose his head.

Didn't Ritchie pull out of Layer Cake, and sort of leave Vaughn with a film and no director?

The Air I Breathe
Whitaker, Bacon, Fraser, Hirsch, Garcia, Delpy, and Gellar. Granted none of them are really 'A-list' but how does a movie with that kind of ensemble get zero press or publicity?

A great list
Really solid, and I especially appreciate that you addressed different ways that filmmakers make us feel like voyeurs - whether by discussing voyeurism directly or by simply showing us things we might not want to see, or by examining voyeurism on a societal level.


Ok, what is the actual ZMF's registered name? Does he use a zero in both Zodiac and Motherfucker, or just in Motherfucker?

Yay Donna!
I don't think the AV Club book reviews get near enough respect - every article is illuminating and intelligent. This'll be the third or fourth book in the past couple of months that I'll look for on "Words" say-so alone.

DVD Reviews on AV Club
When you guys review a DVD, it's typically something that hasn't already had a Film review, right?

She might be thinking of "Little Big Planet". If she likes Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon and wants a platformer, she'll probably love it.

… that I can agree with just about everything you say in the review, Nabin, and still think 'F' is a bit harsh. I suppose what works and what doesn't about a protagonist who's basically an asshole is a matter of taste, but as smarmy and self-congratulatory as the show could get, I never felt that that was