
Any thoughts (from fans of the movie) on the may-or-may-not-actually-be-happening Quentin Tarantino remake of "Come Drink With Me"?

One of the smartest commentaries on criticism comes from Anton Ego:

That would be $15 billion.

"…Pegg, who makes a character who does some detestable things seem strangely likeable…"
That's a pretty great summation of most of Pegg's roles. In almost anyone else's hands, his characters would be righteous assholes. Or at least enormous losers.

This is a shame why?

So many of the items on that list have been inextricably bound to my fondest, clearest memories from my childhood. Which I guess makes me some kind of enviro-zombie.

Second on second Fou4thF1rstiscles!
Fourth on first-fourth spookysies!

A friend of mine had the idea that Watchmen should be done as a series of short films (30-40 minutes) put before big budget movie in the theatre.

He doesn't own the rights to any of the work he did for DC (V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and, after DC bought ABC, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), and, because Time-Warner owns DC, Warner Bros. has exclusive film rights to all of those properties (although Moore is still entitled to some money if the rights sell).