
This is the only dessert planet I need:

Not to be a dick but Ten Thousand Saints is set in 1988 and the "straightedge scene" it depicts didn't exist in any substantial way in NYC in the early 80's.

The all new AV Club be handing out the F like candy to babies.

Question that just popped in my head given the events of this past
weekend—In the first season we (the generic viewer) perceived the
entire two-years-behind "how news should have been done" concept as a
piece of revisionist reflection (as opposed to history). Today we see
how Aaron Sorkin deals with the problems of

If I read correctly and this entire article failed to mention Westworld, Imma challenging Kyle Ryan for his job.

"The album has not been turned into a movie yet. Hope springs eternal. Let’s not give up on the guys and their idiotic dream just yet."