
"if you don't like the show, review something else"

The pacing and sequence structure was all over the place in this episode. When Matt breaks into the heroin plant, I'm not really sure how he went from being mobbed by the blind slaves to hiding in the rafters in a different part of the building and attacking Gau's henchmen. That confused me a little. Then everything

After Oliver's spoilery comment in yesterday's review about the "catastrophic consequences" that visiting Fisk's mother was going to have, I expected it, but I still found myself dreading the inevitable during that last scene. He was my favourite character other than the priest, these grizzled, world-weary guys and

I haven't seen the next episode but I'm going to assume (potential spoiler, I guess?) that either Karen or Ben are not going to get out of this alive because of their actions. It might not be an explicit spoiler but it's a really careless bit of info for Oliver to include, he's completely violating the whole "no