
I’m just rolling my eyes at this Kinja article here in 2017 because Joan’s awesomeness and richness of character was exhaustively discussed in the comments of the AVC reviews throughout Mad Men’s run. I guess this is part of the AVC reboot to pretend that never happened. Joan Holloway Harris was tremendous,

Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.

Games Done Quick is a twice-a-year indulgence that I adore every single time. There’s probably no world records being broken at them, but it is ridiculously fun watching these games being torn apart in front of a live crowd of people genuinely as fascinated and excited as I am. The bonus that it’s all done in the name

I’m going to miss getting notified that someone liked a post I made 5 years ago on one of those Mad Men discussions.

I miss the old AV Club/Mad Men discussion boards...

I’m a big fan of the theory that The Dark Knight’s Joker is a former soldier, probably someone involved in special forces or covert ops, with combat experience in the Middle East. Consider:

Well, thank you for at least taking the time to write this mean comment.

You’re too hard on yourself, Teti. You’re at least the Roger Moore of editors.

I’m spending more time with Hulu than with Netflix these days, though I admit that’s partly because Netflix’s auto-playing preview videos dive me goddamn crazy while I’m browsing.
Also, Hulu has Gundam. And they should get more Gundam. Daddy needs all of the Gundam.

Alex probably won’t want to write many more articles like this when he finds out I turned his article into a direct-to-video movie. Now excuse me while I write a scene for my current girlfriend, who will be listed in the credits as “topless commenter #3".

Typical greyed question.

Your positivity confuses and frightens me, but thank you!

All of those are positive changes and the site has become noticeably less annoying. Please keep it up.

Comment sorting is even more important. Depending on how old or new a story was and how many or how few comments there were, I was prone to using all three settings on Disqus, newest, oldest or best.

He’s the Jane Goodall of Juggalos.

I wonder where one would find that information.

Personal hatred of Juggalos is fine, oppression by the government is never OK, ESPECIALLY if is a group people hate.

He wrote a book about obsessive fandoms in general that included Phish along with ICP, but I kind of thought it was an outsider’s perspective.

Nope! He wrote a couple great articles about attending the ICP Gathering.