Reservoir God

I'm not too sureā€¦
About Biel. Or Wilson for that matter, his acting in Watchmen stunk. But overall, I think this seems like solid, interesting casting decisions. If anyone has seen The Ultimate Fighter, they'd know that Jackson is a pretty funny, likable dude.

Hey! My uncle's name is Bosco! Ross officially, I have no idea how he came to be known as Bosco. Regardless, he's a very cool dude


I deserve it. Firsts are lame, but I couldn't resist trying, and now I have to pay the price. My sorry failed attempt forever etched in history.

The first game I bought for my iPod. It's fun, but man it gets old quick.


After seeing this movie I think the B+ is underrating it. I thought it was brilliant. I haven't walked out of the theater that pleased with a movie since The Dark Knight.

Everyone who was sick and tired of that pathetic hipster game of claiming "Firsties" on a post, give cheers to The Club for phasing that bullshit out.