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    Sorry I was talking purely hypothetically? Her character is meant to be 32 in the show, not 36. I was not referring to the actual actress Kerry Washington but to Olivia Pope. And I understand that while all those risks are commonly associated with 'older' women, they can just as easily happen to someone in their 20s.

    Well from what I have seen from other social networking sites the vast majority root for Olivia and Fitz (excluding this one rare case of course lol). And I understand that Fitz is not to everyone's taste, I don't agree with the race comment that was made. I just acknowledged that a lot of negativity was being

    I completely agree with you! After reading through all the comments regarding Olivia and Fitz's relationship all I can say is WOW! The hate directed towards this couple is unreal. I personally love Olitz and think they are one of the best pairings to have ever been produced on television. And you are right I'd say

    In the show Olivia is meant to be in her early 30's not late 30's, so it is completely feasible. Hell there are women nowadays having kids in their 40's even 50's which kind of makes your point invalid.