
Postsecret has become a little too emo and way too twee since it has started to gain popularity, but it spawned at least two, maybe three (MAYBE FOUR!) books.

I meant to say "over their," but it's much better this way.

Get ready to see fifty pictures of somebody with their back to the camera and a Born In The USA sleeve over they butt.

That's what I was saying

I don't really know that Eels are shoegaze, but if you can stick them in that genre, I'll say that Pavement is the best shoegaze band because of the first fifteen seconds of Texas Never Whispers.

Just got called a "n**ger f**got" on Xbox live last night. I'm so sick of that racist pre-teen community.

No, not really.

Al Jardine's high-pitched giggling always distracted me too much.

Actually, I was talking about the life of Morrissey.

Oh, also, Loveless. Totally not as good as the Mogwai, Deerhunter, Fuck Buttons and A Place To Bury Strangers albums it inspired. Red House Painters are my favorite shoegaze band. OUT!

Gang of Four
Funny that Entertainment! was mentioned, as I could never get into it (but I love the first track). I don't know how many people I've had the "just because I like post-punk doesn't mean I have to like Gang of Four" argument with.

Pocket Full of Rain
Pocket Full of Rain came out in May or June, and I'm pretty sure I remember it being reviewed in this section around that time. What gives?

Fun, unrelated fact: Kangaroo Jack was originally going to be an R-rated heist film but it tested poorly and an executive decided that they should focus more on the kangaroo and make it a family movie. The rapping kangaroo dream sequence was put in at the last minute after Snow Dogs did essentially the same thing.

Samurai Jack was good, but there were always long periods of almost nothing, like a loop of Jack climbing a mountain for five minutes or that entire episode where a robot was walking around a warehouse looking for Jack silently and then in the last five minutes Jack kills him and takes his cat. That was real. That

Donnie Darko
I am the man who does not like Donnie Darko. It is your destiny to meet me in the desert and engage in a fight that will end with one of our deaths.

That single
That single is the most generic thing I've heard this year. I'm not going to say that Snow Patrol sucks, because I've only heard the singles, but I'm still amazed that people can cling to this band when everybody else is doing everything better. Snow Patrol used to exist for the years that Coldplay

It isn't a hipster ideology, it's the fact that almost every Smiths song is perfect in my head and I don't want that ruined. I saw Morrissey perform How Soon Is Now? and The Queen Is Dead at a show a few years ago and the best thing that you could say about the show was that he was competent (though I've heard he has

Don't do it! Not today! Not any day!
The Smiths are one of my favorite bands, but I never want to see them play live, even if Joyce is on drums. So I agree with everybody who could possibly make this reunion happen.

I will return from my multi-post shame:

And one more thing: I know that most bands don't have completely original stage banter every night, but Win took a story that he told in Berkeley and repeated it in Seattle, but changed the city name. So it was all a lie. I probably should have explained this all better in the first comment. Now I leave in shame.