
And let me say this: I know that most bands I've seen live are going through the motions, but The Hold Steady at least plays different sets and doesn't repeat the same fucking stories.

Arcade Fire
My worst concert experience was probably forty or fifty other people's best concert experience, but seeing Arcade Fire in Seattle after I had already seen them in Berkeley sucked due to the fact that they played the same setlist and Win Butler went through the exact same, seemingly off the cuff, stage

McCarthy Picture
Look at her son's right hand. What the hell.

Whoops, guess I'm a douchebag.

Comment Organization
The AV Club needs some sort of new comment organization system (or real forums) because this stuff is impossible to navigate. This story has been up for five hours and there are already two pages of comments. By this time tomorrow you won't be able to find this comment under everything else.

Theme Music
I wish that part of the restoration involved sticking Fantomas' cover of the Gofather's theme music over the credits.

DJ AM was the dj in Crazy Town, the band that made "Butterfly." This is the song that goes "come my lady/ come come my lady/ you're my butterfly, sugar baby." I don't want him to be harmed in any way, but if the bassist of Four Non-Blondes was in a plane crash would anybody give a damn? The only reason that

No, the season finalies are mine. I didn't even know that there were season finalies, and now, for a day or two, they will be mine.

For the love of god, when will I be able to subscribe ot AV Talk through iTunes?


Can you guys put this in iTunes so that it will automatically download itself to my computer?

I know that this was probably inspired by Dreams With Sharp Teeth, but was that disqualified for being way too recent?

I agree with Emperor Jim— if it isn't working for you, and he doesn't work for me, either, it's okay to move on. When I listen to Bob Dylan my mind wanders to Pixies and Wilco and everything that I would rather be listening to. As long as The Magnetic Fields and Mark Kozelek are around, I don't need spacey, dense,

Justin Pearson's Philosophy
Justin Pearson's philosophy and mission statement for the Locust is still the single coolest thing a musician has ever said:

I'm just now realizing that most My Bloody Valentine fans probably won't be attracted to the comments section of a random rules revolving around the iPods of bluegrass musicians. Thanks for the suggestion— it'll probably be the only one I get, but it's a very good one.

I just said that I don't like Nirvana in the Sasquatch comments section, and I'm really not trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, but I too could never get into Loveless (only with me it was Loomer that sounded awesome, not Only Shallow). Somebody tell me why this record is so amazing so that

"Maybe if you spent more time watching Sydney Pollack movies you wouldn't be in prime firsties position"
Nevermind the fact that you were here 12 minutes after he was. Why is it more acceptable to read a news story later in the day than another person?

I'm fine with being called an idiot or a twat, but you guys have to agree that Cobain's lyrics and music are insanely overhyped, and that that mostly comes from his suicide. I'm not saying that that's his fault and maybe I was harsh with my Uwe Boll comparison, but I'm absolutly sick of hearing about what a saint the

I just don't think that there's anything special about Kurt Cobain's lyrics or life or anything. I get more from a single Drive-By Truckers or Okkervil River song than I do from Nirvana's entire catalogue.