
This might be the most perfect casting choice in the history of TV, especially since they cast Sarah Wright as Millicent. I'm absolutely floored by the fact that someone thought of this.

Actually, I'm going to change my prediction a little: I bet Marshall slapping Barney somehow factors into Barney deciding to walk-down the aisle with Robin. Maybe Ted (or Lily) asks Marshall to sacrifice the slap to improve Barney's life. Or maybe Ted helps out Robin while Marshall delivers the slap. Juuuust

Actually, I'm going to change my prediction a little: I bet Marshall slapping Barney somehow factors into Barney deciding to walk-down the aisle with Robin. Maybe Ted (or Lily) asks Marshall to sacrifice the slap to improve Barney's life. Or maybe Ted helps out Robin while Marshall delivers the slap. Juuuust

This might sound completely absurd, but I always thought of this show as the comedic equivalent of The Wire, in that it basically functioned as an examination of how individuals within a system attempt to either slightly alter their circumstances to achieve something greater (albeit fleetingly) or to somehow navigate

This might sound completely absurd, but I always thought of this show as the comedic equivalent of The Wire, in that it basically functioned as an examination of how individuals within a system attempt to either slightly alter their circumstances to achieve something greater (albeit fleetingly) or to somehow navigate

With so much of the primary plot already set-up for this season, it honestly feels like these transition episodes are a total waste of time. It would be worth it if there were some twists thrown in, but at this point the show feels like it's on auto-pilot, with Barney's plot getting more ridiculous and tiresome and

With so much of the primary plot already set-up for this season, it honestly feels like these transition episodes are a total waste of time. It would be worth it if there were some twists thrown in, but at this point the show feels like it's on auto-pilot, with Barney's plot getting more ridiculous and tiresome and

I have to say Morgan Saylor is really doing great work as Dana Brody. She really hits the right blend of being somewhat naive (in overestimating her own perceptions) and surprisingly mature for her age (which she always seems to constantly surprise her father with). It's a great display of all the strange emotional

I have to say Morgan Saylor is really doing great work as Dana Brody. She really hits the right blend of being somewhat naive (in overestimating her own perceptions) and surprisingly mature for her age (which she always seems to constantly surprise her father with). It's a great display of all the strange emotional

This episode made me realize that Barney has now basically become the most annoying/tired character on television. This show needs to end soon even if it's just so NPH can move onto something else. It takes a special kind of awful to completely waste appearances by Becki Newton and Bob Odenkirk.

This episode made me realize that Barney has now basically become the most annoying/tired character on television. This show needs to end soon even if it's just so NPH can move onto something else. It takes a special kind of awful to completely waste appearances by Becki Newton and Bob Odenkirk.

OK, so this show has improved tremendously from the pilot and the characters (while still frustratingly self-involved at times) have become more engaging. Yet, I still can't help but side with James Franco's perspective on the male characters: other than Ray, they're baffling. Actually, maybe I'm exaggerating, because

OK, so this show has improved tremendously from the pilot and the characters (while still frustratingly self-involved at times) have become more engaging. Yet, I still can't help but side with James Franco's perspective on the male characters: other than Ray, they're baffling. Actually, maybe I'm exaggerating, because

"He’s officially come off of love leave after that fight with Megan that
could have been any fight he had with Betty (something that must’ve
unnerved him)"

"He’s officially come off of love leave after that fight with Megan that
could have been any fight he had with Betty (something that must’ve
unnerved him)"

It's unbelievably weak that they're pairing Robin and Barney back together. I thought Quinn and Barney were at least fun to watch, since she was fully capable of holding her own against him and making him a little insecure. Robin and Barney are so incredibly boring, because they're pretty much the same personality; it

I might be alone on this one, but I thought the ending was a little too overt this week. Then again, maybe that's just because I've become too accustomed to their usual and spectacularly subtle/elusive/ambiguous conclusions.

Two examples of how this show is firing on all comedy cylinders:

I'm a huge fan of this show and I think it's gotten much stronger this year, but I have to say it's tough watching Michael Pitt week after week when his performance is so stagnant and monotonous. I'm assuming Pitt's conception of Jimmy is that he's permanently inebriated and emotionally traumatized due to his horrific

While I agree that the show works the best when it's bouncing between obtaining some small measure of success and getting knocked back down to earth, I didn't mind the minor win that the guys achieved this week considering they weren't able to actually experience it in person. Plus, it helped create that collective