
"Joe400: If by "drama" you mean "shouting," then yes, but a living god giving up his divine status and shouldering the humiliation of an entire people struck me as dramatic enough that there was no need to gild the lily. As for the Americans being caricatures, you're at the very least forgetting the Japanese-American

Why would your first article, be about trying to argue why a favored movie sucks? This is like making a remake of a classic film, for your first big film project.

I agree 100%
allow me to quote myself "This whole argument, is the equivalent, of complaining, that pixar films, are unrealistic, because they don't have human actors in them."

Exactly. If you're too high & mighty to get down on the same level as the film you are watching, why take the effort to sit through the film at all? This wasn't exactly a porn film or something, that is so obviously a pile of garbage. It was an engrossing film, with a very surreal vision of a possible, apocalyptic