Peggy Olson

So many great episodes to chose from, but I have a soft spot for the first three I ever listened: Stigmata, Ms. Doubtfire and The Day After Tomorrow.
Another great ones:
The Butterfly Effect
The Pallbearer
Eight Crazy Nights
Teen Witch
The Matrix Revolutions
Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life.

I watched Teenage Witch, completely worth it.

I love Reply All, have you listened to Exit & Return yet? I think it's their best.

I don't know if it's a dark horse, but I really like Nocturne.

Adblock is you friend.

I'd go with Guy Walks Into an Advertising Agency.

Joel Kinnaman as young Lou is all I want for Christmas.

I actually loved the BBC original, but it's okay because I was like 10.

Under the Skin, the ending makes the whole movie.

Fuck you, NBC; I was looking forward to this. Guess I'll have rewatch a Bitch 23.

Where did you find that pic, r/theredpill?

R.I.P. Av Club.

Sundays are the new Thursdays.

I don't hate them like everyone else seems to do and I like Sonya's writing, but I'm still mad about the latest episode grade and the way she completely dismissed the Don/Peggy scenes.

Just hook it to my veins!

Emily cryring over Aiden got me teary eyed. Damn you, stupid show, for making me admit such a thing. Agreed on the guy playing Gideon, it's not like he's ugly or anything, he just doesn't seem to fit the show's world. Also, I refuse to believe Conrad is dead.

This was, hands down, the best episode Revenge has ever done, gets an A from me.

Man, Pascal got Romanoed. Love it.

"Pick a number, dick, like it's up to me!"