Some Guy From Canada

He was like the Smithers to Furlong's Mr. Burns.

Jonah: (to Amy) And I know you're under a lot of pressure up there, so if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or a booty to call on, you have my num-

Jonah: (to Amy) And I know you're under a lot of pressure up there, so if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or a booty to call on, you have my num-

I think "Catherine" is still the best episode of the season. That one was just firing on all cylinders. But tonight's episode was pretty damn good too.

I think "Catherine" is still the best episode of the season. That one was just firing on all cylinders. But tonight's episode was pretty damn good too.

Shoshanna, even with (or perhaps because of?) her Valley Girl speak and all her ditzy characteristics, is easily the most likable girl on the show for me. She brings in some much-needed comic relief to a show that threatens to suffocate itself with self-conscious hipster aesthetics.

Shoshanna, even with (or perhaps because of?) her Valley Girl speak and all her ditzy characteristics, is easily the most likable girl on the show for me. She brings in some much-needed comic relief to a show that threatens to suffocate itself with self-conscious hipster aesthetics.

Wait, POTUS called her? I thought Sue said there was no call. Instead, POTUS sent Jonah.

Wait, POTUS called her? I thought Sue said there was no call. Instead, POTUS sent Jonah.

It wasn't just Loras that joins up with the Lannisters. All of House Tyrell does so, so I'd imagine that Loras would feel compelled to do the same. But as you pointed out, his feelings towards Stannis likely played a large role in his compliance as well.

It wasn't just Loras that joins up with the Lannisters. All of House Tyrell does so, so I'd imagine that Loras would feel compelled to do the same. But as you pointed out, his feelings towards Stannis likely played a large role in his compliance as well.

I imagine there's going to be some sort of political fallout from this. A Kingsguard attempting to murder the acting Hand of the King in the midst of a battle against Stannis's forces?!

I imagine there's going to be some sort of political fallout from this. A Kingsguard attempting to murder the acting Hand of the King in the midst of a battle against Stannis's forces?!

Loved the scene where Bronn and Sandor faced off before the siege began. Bronn was always one of my favourite characters from the books, and seeing him stand up to the badassedness that is The Hound was pretty damn ballsy.

Loved the scene where Bronn and Sandor faced off before the siege began. Bronn was always one of my favourite characters from the books, and seeing him stand up to the badassedness that is The Hound was pretty damn ballsy.

Yeah, that was one of the bigger surprises of the night for me. Who knew boring ol' Stannis was such a fucking badass in combat?

Yeah, that was one of the bigger surprises of the night for me. Who knew boring ol' Stannis was such a fucking badass in combat?

Was I the only one who got a "George-Bush-gets-told-about-9/11-at-an-elementary-school" vibe when Gary told Selina she was pregnant?

Was I the only one who got a "George-Bush-gets-told-about-9/11-at-an-elementary-school" vibe when Gary told Selina she was pregnant?