Some Guy From Canada

I thought I would hate this show, but nope. It's actually been pretty damn funny.

<— *points to his own username*

What kind of song title is THAT?!

You make it sound as if the usual Family Guy formula is any good to begin with.

I used to actually enjoy Family Guy… pre-cancellation.

lol no.

This is the same region that brought us ABBA, Ace of Base, and Aqua. I figured they needed to contribute something to even out all the sugary-sweet pop music they're (in)famous for.

He did want to kiss Peebles by the end of that episode, though…

My favourite gag about Abracadaniel is just how much strenuous effort he seems to put into even the most basic spells (like the hand rainbow in Wizard Battle and, in this episode, growing that tiny plant from the floorboards).

His sudden and inexplicable hatred of Brian is actually what turned me off (giggity) of the character. It just came out of nowhere, and turned what was once an amusing character into an unlikable asshat.

It was never wrapped in foil!


Well, it's always in the last place you look.

Call me crazy, but I really got a classic Kids in the Hall vibe from the last sketch.

"Mrs. Crab Apple, the pledge."

Even Brett makes an appearance! Getting his ass run over by Ray/Jester, no less.

Ugh, did she just race-card me?

It's a crying face! ;_; T_T Q_Q

Smells like a sitcom!

Still waiting for my heart to stop racing. Holy shit.