Pork Chop Express

While Universal coveted Hannibal Lecter, they forgot that MGM (because it bought Orion) owned all the *other* SOTL characters. De Laurentis' film rights was only for Hannibal Lecter. This is why for 2001's Hannibal film to get made MGM and Universal had to partner up though the finished product and subsequent sequels

There's one part of the male anatomy that resembles a Roman Helmet and it *ain't* the balls … HINT: It's at the other end of the shaft.

AMC had massively incriminating evidence against Dish in their $2 billion lawsuit. Dish agreed to pay AMC $700 mil in cash and gave them spectrum in 45 cities and restored the channels to Dish for multiple years.

AMC had massively incriminating evidence against Dish in their $2 billion lawsuit. Dish agreed to pay AMC $700 mil in cash and gave them spectrum in 45 cities and restored the channels to Dish for multiple years.

It came back at 4 PM. Not updating the guide info so I could not DVR it was actually the last "fuck you" from Dish.

It came back at 4 PM. Not updating the guide info so I could not DVR it was actually the last "fuck you" from Dish.

I love trying to comment from the mobile site.

I love trying to comment from the mobile site.

After the brutality Michonne inflicted on the Governor, I hope they figure out a way to make that happen while keeping it original. I don't want a Governor retread.

After the brutality Michonne inflicted on the Governor, I hope they figure out a way to make that happen while keeping it original. I don't want a Governor retread.

I've read and re-read the issue a couple of times this week and it's just a heartbreaking scene. Glenn has never been a bad-ass. He practically went catatonic with the Governor … seeing him call for Maggie as his head ends up looking like something on ogrish.com is just so unnerving and disgusting in its brutality not

I've read and re-read the issue a couple of times this week and it's just a heartbreaking scene. Glenn has never been a bad-ass. He practically went catatonic with the Governor … seeing him call for Maggie as his head ends up looking like something on ogrish.com is just so unnerving and disgusting in its brutality not