
I'm the only person that knows this.
In the 90s and into the early 2000s the goop.com domain was the online home for dead celebrity Whitman Mayo, also known as Grady from Sanford and Son. True.

Troll score: 2/10. Too much vitriol in a response to that particular post in this particular forum.

Made me angry. Literally angry. It was like watching child abuse.

I knew it wasn't real
and yet it still freaked the living shit out of me. The final shot caused me to shout and recoil and eventually get into a big fight with my wife.

Other than an appearance on the Portland Burn To Shine DVD (which is worth seeing) I can scarcely recall any publicity or notice for these folks back home.

Subtle! I had to read it twice.

malkmus live
I saw him in December at the Doug Fir in Portland (a great, tiny venue). Even with the amazing Janet Weiss on drums he's really starting to bore the hell out of me with his prog-rock guitar noodling.

Mercury has some remarkable songs and production. I think you may have missed something, Claude, although I can understand how Eitzel's vocals would seem listless.

I adore AMC/Eitzel
but this song isn't doing it for me. Damn. Still, looking forward to seeing them in April.

I work in neurosurgery
and I am concerned that this devil music has the power to liquify brains.