broken wheelchair

I think their problem is calling this "Arthur." If they've changed it to the point where he's not even a drunk, why not call it something else, & avoid leaving the bad remake taste in everyone's mouth, before they've even seen it?

I've purchased this movie 4 times.
Found the first copy at a garage sale for 35 cents. My mind was fucking blown. I hadn't then, & haven't since seen a movie so completely inept & bizarre. It wasn't on the IMDB when I got my first copy. I hope this movie develops more of a cult, it's just so fucking great. Favorite

^yes it is.

That's what I figured. When I bought the first one, I got the most disgusted look I've ever gotten from a record store clerk. This is odd on two counts: 1) The guy who sold it to me is a friend of mine. 2) He owns the store. Oh, well. Everyone else is missing out.

The Return of the Thread Killer.

I think I'm the only person who really likes Scott Weiland's solo albums.
Am I alone in this?

I'm looking at their "Family Guide to Prime Time TV", & for some reason, they have a problem w/ the NFL Playoffs.

It's as if instead of Bruce Wayne's parents being murdered, he shit his pants once.

I used to go to a lot of hardcore shows locally, & they all basically had the same drummer. One of the most impressive things I've ever seen is this guy play for 5 out of 6 bands in one night, & this is fast as you can, blast beat stuff. He looked like he was about to drop dead by the end of the night.

Connie Willis
I think it's absurd that Blackout/All Clear was split into two novels over nearly a year. She's in my option the best author since Jack Finney, & it's a shame the way her publisher treatered her. I waited for years, but I loved what I got.

My parents aren't religious, but my mother would always freak out about violence in games (ie Mortal Kombat & Doom), & not allow me to watch GI Joe or play w/ toy guns. Despite this, my friends & I ran the town completely unsupervised from what I view now as a completely unreasonable age. I could go out & watch

Odethaley / Ulldaman

You know what I would do if I was rich, famous & book publishers were willing to publish anything I wrote? I'd write a book.

Palin/Sorrentino 2012!

Yes, Triumph of the Will.

@you're mother: Same thing here. Somebody, somewhere, for some bizarre reason, will kill yr ass if you even think of fucking w/ their Mark Trail.

Or the time Jon had sex w/ that vet lady w/o telling her he was HIV positive. Oh boy, will her face be red!

I still don't think it beats the name of this man my friend talked to on a customer service call named "Vernal Horkey."

I certainly will. SWASS!

I get the distinct feeling that the only person who likes Mr. Zucker is his mother. (maybe.)