
There was a cheat where you could turn up the violence, i.e. hack off limbs and heads, leaving a cauterized wound effect. If you ran the light saber into the middle of the torso, every detachable limb would fly off.

Their newest one if you liked The Japandroids. "Somewhere Along This Golden Coast" is aces as well. Not as rocking as "25", but has some slide guitars and pianos on it. The new one is more garage stripped down and loud.

Their newest one if you liked The Japandroids. "Somewhere Along This Golden Coast" is aces as well. Not as rocking as "25", but has some slide guitars and pianos on it. The new one is more garage stripped down and loud.

Can we imagine a Walking Dead where Tyrese, Oscar, and T-Dog exist simultaneously? Be a helluva lot more fun seeing these 3 interact than more Brits bumbling through Southern accents. 

Can we imagine a Walking Dead where Tyrese, Oscar, and T-Dog exist simultaneously? Be a helluva lot more fun seeing these 3 interact than more Brits bumbling through Southern accents. 

Guardians is going to bomb.

Guardians is going to bomb.

What is the origin of this quote? I remember him doing the stuff with the cameras in the bathroom….

What is the origin of this quote? I remember him doing the stuff with the cameras in the bathroom….

That's why I will always take Woodbury over Mopeville Prison. They actually have some entertainment. When the prison is clean, I have a feeling they will get bored and go over and fuck up the sweet deal the Governor's people got going on.

That's why I will always take Woodbury over Mopeville Prison. They actually have some entertainment. When the prison is clean, I have a feeling they will get bored and go over and fuck up the sweet deal the Governor's people got going on.

Show needs to slow it down. I don't care about these characters if we can't stop and play some prison yard whiffle ball with them and have some fun.  Oh look it's a terrible thing that is happening to these people I don't like!

Show needs to slow it down. I don't care about these characters if we can't stop and play some prison yard whiffle ball with them and have some fun.  Oh look it's a terrible thing that is happening to these people I don't like!

What a dour fucking show. Can we get some hijinks up in here?

What a dour fucking show. Can we get some hijinks up in here?

Anyone ever read The Holders series? Some of those are pretty great…just online creepypasta stuff of varying quality. "In any city, in any country go to the nearest mental institution or halfway house you can get to.

Anyone ever read The Holders series? Some of those are pretty great…just online creepypasta stuff of varying quality. "In any city, in any country go to the nearest mental institution or halfway house you can get to.

Then I will go for: Quentin Tarantino with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

Then I will go for: Quentin Tarantino with Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction.

Our top 10, featuring a double feature by a single filmmaker.