
Our top 10, featuring a double feature by a single filmmaker.

In The Almost Famous remake the older sister hands the kid a flash drive and we wax nostalgic as he scrolls through a bunch of seminal indie hits. "I think I just saw KIDS by MGMT!"

In The Almost Famous remake the older sister hands the kid a flash drive and we wax nostalgic as he scrolls through a bunch of seminal indie hits. "I think I just saw KIDS by MGMT!"

Gonna go name my appliances now.

Gonna go name my appliances now.

Knife in the Water is a band that reminds me a lot of Calexico, however they might strike the balance of Calexico's more atmospheric side with the pedal steel. I think their album "Red River" is the most western-ish. Don't know off the top of my head if they use horns.

Knife in the Water is a band that reminds me a lot of Calexico, however they might strike the balance of Calexico's more atmospheric side with the pedal steel. I think their album "Red River" is the most western-ish. Don't know off the top of my head if they use horns.

Always been partial to Bill Wallace myself. Christmas Spurs anyone?

Always been partial to Bill Wallace myself. Christmas Spurs anyone?

This is a delayed comment, but I remember this publication strongly because in the 5th grade, I was a PC Gamer Fanboy and I remember the N64 was coming out about that time and one of my best friends was a Nintendo guy and had a slew of those Nintendo Power mags he kept around class for free reading. I would parse

This is a delayed comment, but I remember this publication strongly because in the 5th grade, I was a PC Gamer Fanboy and I remember the N64 was coming out about that time and one of my best friends was a Nintendo guy and had a slew of those Nintendo Power mags he kept around class for free reading. I would parse

I hate the production on this thing. 

I hate the production on this thing. 

I wish the movie would've shown that more. There were certainly some have-nots tearing through the condos. We never saw any regular people and their reaction to the chaos. Closest thing we got was Modine and his wife hiding out.

I wish the movie would've shown that more. There were certainly some have-nots tearing through the condos. We never saw any regular people and their reaction to the chaos. Closest thing we got was Modine and his wife hiding out.

Good to see that the prisoners and citizens who were noble and righteous enough not to blow up the other's boat went on to tear Gotham apart the first time they got a chance. 

Good to see that the prisoners and citizens who were noble and righteous enough not to blow up the other's boat went on to tear Gotham apart the first time they got a chance. 

Anyone ever drink a Fernet Branca? Can we get a loop of Michael Caine talking about them? 

Anyone ever drink a Fernet Branca? Can we get a loop of Michael Caine talking about them? 

I was fond of that "Oxygen" song. "Stand Up and Be Strong" had a cool riff but terrible lyrics and "Lately" was a good sequel to "Black Gold".