Heating element

2010 works if you think of it as an adaptation of Clarke's 2010 novel, and not a sequel to Kubrick's 2001. Of course, having Duella and the voice of Douglas Rain return make that somewhat difficult, but it still works on it's own terms.

Is she really getting a bad rap from real people? I though the critical response was overwhelmingly positive; the only naysaying I've seen has been "How can this be good if Sandra Bullock is in it LOLZ" type stuff from people who haven't even seen it.

Yeah but that didn't stop Charlie Day from doing "Always Sunny" commentaries.


No disrespect to Mr. Perkins, but the "Sunny" reviews tend to have the easiest-to-disregard letter grades on the TV Club. The reviews themselves are fine, but the grades almost always seem to be from a different, vastly inferior show.

I don't understand what could have warranted that downvote, unless it was from Mr. Disqus or something.

You ruined this comments section too?

It might not be pushed back that quickly seeing as how Disqus "is taking longer than usual to load" (now there's a once in a lifetime event).

"Did they even have to GO to Cuba?!"


"No direction home…"

Oh the irony…

I'm tempted to downvote this. Just to see how it feels.

Everybody says that you're the guy. But I want to be the guy too!


Oh God, it's already fucking up.

Now that was some comment volume.  If you didn't say your piece by 10:05 EST, no one would ever see it.

"How Dawes Changed Professional Football Overnight"

YOU FOOL!  Now he's going to add kittens to his shit list.

You married her, you ought to be doing more than that.