
Proposal:  We should be able to community grade articles that are not reviews in order to decrease the self-esteem of writers we disagree with or for other whatever other asinine reasons we may have. That said, yay for Hatecast!

I had the exact same thought.  I wonder if there's much of a crossover audience there…

Oh!  Are we comparing incomes? This seems like a great opportunity for HipsterDBag to remind us that he's still living quite comfortably and then for the commentariat to point out that his douchebaggery approaches that of Taylor Lautner. 


Do you really think that Amelie cares about critical responses to her writing?  She writes for The Office now.

Man, Sacha Baron Cohen sure is a chameleon but his movies are growing more and more humorless.

DVD? Ugh. Haven't you tried the classic VHS picture with paired vinyl sound? 

Damnit, I was about to make an Ernie Hudson joke.  The man has been getting a surprising amount of work.

So was your autism magically cured, or did you just grow older?

So Community mocks Glee and does a musical episode, and then Glee steals the plot of a Community episode.  What's next? Will Glee branch out into comedy as well?


Is that all it takes to keep an article on the most read list?  This thread will (continue to) live in infamy.

Maybe Stephan Jenkins will make a song with Public Enemy like he did with Run DMC.  Warning: the following music video is absolutely terrible… 

…and what was all that shit about the Alps? What the FUCK, has anything got to do with the Alps? Everything's a fuckin' travesty with you, man.

He's actually Rick Moranis' son.

This place would be insanely boring if everyone posted like you Voomero.

Never would have thought that one was improv. Brilliant.