
My last reserves of sympathy for Walt are already pretty much used up, but if there's one person I find less sympathetic than him it's probably Ted because he's such a fucking coward in addition to everything else. Skyler really has a knack for finding men with the quasi-sociopathic ability to convince themselves that

My last reserves of sympathy for Walt are already pretty much used up, but if there's one person I find less sympathetic than him it's probably Ted because he's such a fucking coward in addition to everything else. Skyler really has a knack for finding men with the quasi-sociopathic ability to convince themselves that

Mike now tops my list for whoever gets to shit can Heisenberg by the end of the series (seriously, fuck Walt). He's followed (in order) by Jesse, Hank, and Skyler.

Mike now tops my list for whoever gets to shit can Heisenberg by the end of the series (seriously, fuck Walt). He's followed (in order) by Jesse, Hank, and Skyler.

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Were you that dude from the John Hodgman podcast a little while ago?

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Were you that dude from the John Hodgman podcast a little while ago?

My favorite part of that whole thing was Walt asking if there was an instruction manual. Turns out there is!

My favorite part of that whole thing was Walt asking if there was an instruction manual. Turns out there is!

Giddy flashbacks to AP Physics class during that scene.

Giddy flashbacks to AP Physics class during that scene.

Chekhov's Ricin Cigarette?

Chekhov's Ricin Cigarette?

If it's product placement, then that's the way to do it. I have taken many a road trip through the Southwest and eaten at many a Denny's (and Dairy Queen) along the way, so it felt completely organic.

If it's product placement, then that's the way to do it. I have taken many a road trip through the Southwest and eaten at many a Denny's (and Dairy Queen) along the way, so it felt completely organic.

That's it. And yeah, I think it was pretty good.

That's it. And yeah, I think it was pretty good.

Hey! They acted together in that Julia Stiles teen flick…can't remember the name.

Hey! They acted together in that Julia Stiles teen flick…can't remember the name.

Which I have never seen!

Which I have never seen!