
Representative democracy =/= fair, functional government

Representative democracy =/= fair, functional government

Season 3 was definitely my favorite. The "loose" nature of its structure also allowed the other members of the ensemble to really develop and shine, whereas the intense focus on Leslie this season caused certain character arcs to stagnate a bit, in my opinion. I could have used more Ron.

Season 3 was definitely my favorite. The "loose" nature of its structure also allowed the other members of the ensemble to really develop and shine, whereas the intense focus on Leslie this season caused certain character arcs to stagnate a bit, in my opinion. I could have used more Ron.

This season had the episode where April and Andy drove to the Grand Canyon, which is my favorite Parks moment ever. I didn't enjoy it as consistently as I enjoyed Season 3, but it's still the one show I can count on to make me feel good about people again without completely insulting my intelligence.

This season had the episode where April and Andy drove to the Grand Canyon, which is my favorite Parks moment ever. I didn't enjoy it as consistently as I enjoyed Season 3, but it's still the one show I can count on to make me feel good about people again without completely insulting my intelligence.

Pretty much this. I loved the Tom/Ann pairing in theory when it was first introduced, and it has produced some great comedic moments (the tour of Tom's apartment was one of my favorite bits of the season), but it started to stagnate and fall back on the same jokes (Tom says/does something sexually inappropriate and

Pretty much this. I loved the Tom/Ann pairing in theory when it was first introduced, and it has produced some great comedic moments (the tour of Tom's apartment was one of my favorite bits of the season), but it started to stagnate and fall back on the same jokes (Tom says/does something sexually inappropriate and

So, who's hoping we can get a TVClub showrunner walkthrough with Bryke?

So, who's hoping we can get a TVClub showrunner walkthrough with Bryke?

I am a fan of the commentary, @digitalninja:disqus . I also love this:

I am a fan of the commentary, @digitalninja:disqus . I also love this:

All of those bases have pretty much been covered, including a long thread of complaints about fartbending.

All of those bases have pretty much been covered, including a long thread of complaints about fartbending.

Iroh has been confirmed as Zuko's grandson:

Iroh has been confirmed as Zuko's grandson:

I'm beginning to suspect that this show has a counterpart to the HBO CEO of Tits. The Nickelodeon CEO of Poo or something.

I'm beginning to suspect that this show has a counterpart to the HBO CEO of Tits. The Nickelodeon CEO of Poo or something.

@The_Tuna:disqus I nearly gave up on the show when Cordy fucked him (for reasons, apparently). Thankfully, I was marathoning on Netflix, and I had been told that S5 made S4 worth it.

@The_Tuna:disqus I nearly gave up on the show when Cordy fucked him (for reasons, apparently). Thankfully, I was marathoning on Netflix, and I had been told that S5 made S4 worth it.