
This. She was fighting with conviction. I've been going back and forth on Asami the past few weeks, but I really like her now, and I think she's sticking with Team Avatar.

This. She was fighting with conviction. I've been going back and forth on Asami the past few weeks, but I really like her now, and I think she's sticking with Team Avatar.

This show is giving me Breaking Bad levels of anxiety. A few months to de-cathect probably isn't the worst thing. I might get more shit done since I won't be refreshing Tumblr for the spoiler clips on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This show is giving me Breaking Bad levels of anxiety. A few months to de-cathect probably isn't the worst thing. I might get more shit done since I won't be refreshing Tumblr for the spoiler clips on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

It definitely feels like a death. Bending was integral to how we connected with her character. Plus, of all the non-Avatar characters we've seen in this world, whose bending was most essential both to their identify and to their ability to function? I think that has to be Toph, and having her legacy invoked in Lin's

It definitely feels like a death. Bending was integral to how we connected with her character. Plus, of all the non-Avatar characters we've seen in this world, whose bending was most essential both to their identify and to their ability to function? I think that has to be Toph, and having her legacy invoked in Lin's

To be fair, this is the first time that Emily herself has brought up the differences between the two shows and how pacing is affecting the storytelling and character development. It's a well we keep returning to in the comments, so it seems natural that the reviews would address it eventually, though I too think that

To be fair, this is the first time that Emily herself has brought up the differences between the two shows and how pacing is affecting the storytelling and character development. It's a well we keep returning to in the comments, so it seems natural that the reviews would address it eventually, though I too think that

Lin not wanting kids is the far more charitable interpretation than Lin being barren, at least in terms of what it says about Tenzin.

Lin not wanting kids is the far more charitable interpretation than Lin being barren, at least in terms of what it says about Tenzin.

And was only minimally pissy when she discovers that other girl wrecked her car! (Which she later used to blow up a mecha-tank).

And was only minimally pissy when she discovers that other girl wrecked her car! (Which she later used to blow up a mecha-tank).

I like Mako too. Maybe it's the older sibling protective thing (which can make you kind of an asshole), which I identify with quite a bit, but yeah, they are definitely painting him in an unsympathetic light right now. I have no doubt that there will be some "redemption" moment for him in the finale, but I have no

I like Mako too. Maybe it's the older sibling protective thing (which can make you kind of an asshole), which I identify with quite a bit, but yeah, they are definitely painting him in an unsympathetic light right now. I have no doubt that there will be some "redemption" moment for him in the finale, but I have no

I'm shipping Iroh with myself.

I'm shipping Iroh with myself.

AND she gave Korra the advice that led to this whole mess in the first place.

AND she gave Korra the advice that led to this whole mess in the first place.

I feel like the parallels between Lin/Tenzin/Pema and Asami/Mako/Korra were pretty deliberate. We got that scene between the first three immediately after Asami (awesomely) confronted Mako. You could tell there was still some tension and awkwardness among them, but those three are showing how you handle romantic

I feel like the parallels between Lin/Tenzin/Pema and Asami/Mako/Korra were pretty deliberate. We got that scene between the first three immediately after Asami (awesomely) confronted Mako. You could tell there was still some tension and awkwardness among them, but those three are showing how you handle romantic