
I rewatched last night and noticed that part where Lin feels up the wall and then unlocked the secret door. Smart money says she can crack safes and bank vaults.

Amon takes off his mask to reveal *gasp* Eliza Dushku!

I don't think even Tenzin was reserved and serious. He was adorably flustered when Lin and the Krew walked into his office as he was trying to rescue Korra via telephone. Tenzin is very much a thinker rather than a doer, and it really shows. I'm starting to think that his failure to suggest actual alternatives between

I don't think even Tenzin was reserved and serious. He was adorably flustered when Lin and the Krew walked into his office as he was trying to rescue Korra via telephone. Tenzin is very much a thinker rather than a doer, and it really shows. I'm starting to think that his failure to suggest actual alternatives between

Nooooooooo! @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus we can get past this, right?

Nooooooooo! @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus we can get past this, right?

I'm really starting to love this theory.


@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus Point taken.

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus Point taken.

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus A:TLA was also a huge, sprawling Tolkein-esque epic that was all about exploring this huge world, and you need "Village of the Week" type episodes in order to do that. The story they were telling was suited to an episodic format. LOK is attempting something quite

My husband thinks that the romantic stuff is of a piece with the other major conflicts of the episode in that Bryke has set up tensions and arguments on a number of levels that are designed to pull the audience's loyalties in multiple directions and encourage us to see the problem from all sides rather than simply

You could also look at it this way: if he keeps the Avatar as a hostage and threatens to kill or continue torturing her, he has leverage over anyone who might try to hunt him down or send assassins after him. If he killed her, there'd be a price on his head so high that there would be almost nowhere he could hide. If

You could also look at it this way: if he keeps the Avatar as a hostage and threatens to kill or continue torturing her, he has leverage over anyone who might try to hunt him down or send assassins after him. If he killed her, there'd be a price on his head so high that there would be almost nowhere he could hide. If

That's just the way it goes when people are discussing a TV show episode to episode. Naturally, some of us will revise our opinions and eat crow along the way.

That's just the way it goes when people are discussing a TV show episode to episode. Naturally, some of us will revise our opinions and eat crow along the way.

Oh, I think the statement that 50% of A:TLA was a waste of time is over the top, but I can see how someone might prefer the pacing of this series.

@avclub-935f361fa2c753a8b94f28f3f94914cf:disqus Absolutely agreed on that last point.

@avclub-935f361fa2c753a8b94f28f3f94914cf:disqus I said it elsewhere, but I don't think Bolin is necessarily the more well-rounded of the two. He's just more immediately likeable. He hasn't been given a whole lot to do other than be charming and naive. I think it's easy to misread his charm as "sensitivity," but he's

This was my assumption. But seriously, Bolin should never play poker.