
WERE seeing each other.

WERE seeing each other.

I thought the whole point of having them in the same room together was to put that theory to rest. I also thought it pretty clearly established that they weren't in league with each other. Though that's been my assumption the entire time (that Tarrlok was pursuing his own angle), so I could be biased.

I thought the whole point of having them in the same room together was to put that theory to rest. I also thought it pretty clearly established that they weren't in league with each other. Though that's been my assumption the entire time (that Tarrlok was pursuing his own angle), so I could be biased.

Yeah, that was pretty disappointing. It felt like they were trying too hard to give us callbacks to the old series and forgot to make them talk like actual people.

Yeah, that was pretty disappointing. It felt like they were trying too hard to give us callbacks to the old series and forgot to make them talk like actual people.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus  I'd also love it if Lin's father remained anonymous. It makes Toph seem more mysterious and awesome.

@avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus  I'd also love it if Lin's father remained anonymous. It makes Toph seem more mysterious and awesome.

I would cross the street for Lin.

I'm confused about the "inconsistency" complaints regarding Mako, since they've cropped up in a few places. I'd wager that these are actually complaints about the inconsistent way in which he treats other characters rather than inconsistency in the way he himself is being portrayed. His big overarching character

I'm confused about the "inconsistency" complaints regarding Mako, since they've cropped up in a few places. I'd wager that these are actually complaints about the inconsistent way in which he treats other characters rather than inconsistency in the way he himself is being portrayed. His big overarching character

So, we have three characters now who have declared themselves Saviors of Republic City for various reasons. Tarrlok wants to save the city for his own personal advancement and, I suppose, to vindicate his family's shady past. Amon is out to save humanity by equalizing it, though I still don't think we've fully plumbed

So, we have three characters now who have declared themselves Saviors of Republic City for various reasons. Tarrlok wants to save the city for his own personal advancement and, I suppose, to vindicate his family's shady past. Amon is out to save humanity by equalizing it, though I still don't think we've fully plumbed

Jesus H. Christ. My head is still spinning from this sucker.

Jesus H. Christ. My head is still spinning from this sucker.

Sokka was voiced by Chris Hardwick. And Yakone was Clancy Fucking Brown.

Sokka was voiced by Chris Hardwick. And Yakone was Clancy Fucking Brown.

Actually, the Fire Nation drops bombs on the subs and the beach landing during "The Day of Black Sun" and on the Western Air Temple during "The Southern Raiders."

Permit me to nitpick: how are any of the dilemmas you describe specific to the male gender? It strikes me that women can have qualms about complex morality, leadership, autonomy and the like.

Permit me to nitpick: how are any of the dilemmas you describe specific to the male gender? It strikes me that women can have qualms about complex morality, leadership, autonomy and the like.