
Huh. Felt much longer when I was reading it.

Huh. Felt much longer when I was reading it.

My apologies. I thought the point of the newbies thread was to avoid spoilers, not to avoid book talk altogether. I'll respect the wishes of the commentariat.

My apologies. I thought the point of the newbies thread was to avoid spoilers, not to avoid book talk altogether. I'll respect the wishes of the commentariat.

Ugh. How did I Britta that one? I need more sleep. Anywho, I fixed it so it doesn't confuse anyone.

Ugh. How did I Britta that one? I need more sleep. Anywho, I fixed it so it doesn't confuse anyone.

About as subtle as a brick to the face.

About as subtle as a brick to the face.

Count me in as one who likes Gemma Whelan in that role. I thought she gave the character the right combination of grit and compassion in that scene with Theon. Asha/Yara is tough as nails, but unlike her brother, she's neither stupid nor a sadist.

Count me in as one who likes Gemma Whelan in that role. I thought she gave the character the right combination of grit and compassion in that scene with Theon. Asha/Yara is tough as nails, but unlike her brother, she's neither stupid nor a sadist.

Yeah. I almost posted about this last week because I thought it was about as subtle as a brick to the face, but I didn't want to get called out for spoilers. I'm glad the non-reader audience didn't really have to suffer.

Yeah. I almost posted about this last week because I thought it was about as subtle as a brick to the face, but I didn't want to get called out for spoilers. I'm glad the non-reader audience didn't really have to suffer.



I'm interested in knowing how many non-readers were unsure about Bran and Rickon's fates after last week. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I knew what was coming, and they did leave just enough ambiguity there that you couldn't be absolutely certain.

I'm interested in knowing how many non-readers were unsure about Bran and Rickon's fates after last week. I thought it was pretty obvious, but I knew what was coming, and they did leave just enough ambiguity there that you couldn't be absolutely certain.

Someone might correct me here, but I don't think that speech was in the books. It just brilliantly summed up a whole lot of backstory that's spread out over multiple chapters in CoK. The TV show is making Stannis and Davos a thousand times more interesting than the book did, at least for me. Same goes for Theon. His

Someone might correct me here, but I don't think that speech was in the books. It just brilliantly summed up a whole lot of backstory that's spread out over multiple chapters in CoK. The TV show is making Stannis and Davos a thousand times more interesting than the book did, at least for me. Same goes for Theon. His

I hate that word, and yet it's so satisfying when applied to Theon and Joffrey. What's a feminist to do?

I hate that word, and yet it's so satisfying when applied to Theon and Joffrey. What's a feminist to do?