
@The_Tuna:disqus I don't get the Mako hate in general, but this episode seems to have inspired a lot of it. He does plenty of stuff that's unsympathetic, but I don't see his faults as any more egregious than those of anyone else on the show.

@The_Tuna:disqus I don't get the Mako hate in general, but this episode seems to have inspired a lot of it. He does plenty of stuff that's unsympathetic, but I don't see his faults as any more egregious than those of anyone else on the show.

So, I just found out this week that Janet Varney has a Nerdist podcast called the JV Club wherein she interviews articulate ladystars about their lives. It's smart but extremely personal and probably not for everyone, but I enjoyed the episode I listened to, which was with Gillian Jacobs. Listening to Korra and Britta

So, I just found out this week that Janet Varney has a Nerdist podcast called the JV Club wherein she interviews articulate ladystars about their lives. It's smart but extremely personal and probably not for everyone, but I enjoyed the episode I listened to, which was with Gillian Jacobs. Listening to Korra and Britta

@avclub-fd1764f21ce533cc362d9938d39b5d6e:disqus I hope you're joking. That would be terrible.

@avclub-fd1764f21ce533cc362d9938d39b5d6e:disqus I hope you're joking. That would be terrible.

It's improved substantially, in my opinion. I enjoyed Emily's episode, and it's nice to hear other grown-ass adults talking pretty intelligently about the show, and they're responsive to the criticisms.

It's improved substantially, in my opinion. I enjoyed Emily's episode, and it's nice to hear other grown-ass adults talking pretty intelligently about the show, and they're responsive to the criticisms.

@facebook-100000313100671:disqus  @avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus  Nice catch. I didn't even pick up on that.

@facebook-100000313100671:disqus  @avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus  Nice catch. I didn't even pick up on that.

That's completely how I read the scene, as her not being sure she really wants to know what's down there. As for Mako, I think it's his big brother instincts kicking in.

That's completely how I read the scene, as her not being sure she really wants to know what's down there. As for Mako, I think it's his big brother instincts kicking in.

I kind of wish the fandom would let this one go. Bryke does have a history of revisiting one-off jokes, but it seems too silly to do it with something like an important character death. Plus, the people on Tumblr don't seem to understand the difference between grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I kind of wish the fandom would let this one go. Bryke does have a history of revisiting one-off jokes, but it seems too silly to do it with something like an important character death. Plus, the people on Tumblr don't seem to understand the difference between grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Just because his rhetoric is populist doesn't mean he's not an opportunist.

Just because his rhetoric is populist doesn't mean he's not an opportunist.

I meant it more in the sense that Amon is reducing a complex set of social cleavages and institutional failures to a single explanation and that there's more than a whiff of hypocrisy at the center of it.

I meant it more in the sense that Amon is reducing a complex set of social cleavages and institutional failures to a single explanation and that there's more than a whiff of hypocrisy at the center of it.

@avclub-fd1764f21ce533cc362d9938d39b5d6e:disqus probably nothing. Since the mechs are capable of shooting lightning themselves, the cabins and internal components are probably insulated.

@avclub-fd1764f21ce533cc362d9938d39b5d6e:disqus probably nothing. Since the mechs are capable of shooting lightning themselves, the cabins and internal components are probably insulated.