
I read the summary of it, and yeah, they address all of your concerns. This is not an easy or peaceful transition.

We're back!

That's a great way to describe it. I don't think I could stand chewing through it on DVD like I do certain other shows, but it's a perfectly entertaining way to kill a half hour here and there.

I used to watch ELR in high school as well. Over the summer, I was on a research trip with very little to do during the evenings and wound up catching several Raymond episodes. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the show holds up. I mean it isn't Community or Parks and Rec or even The Office, but the writing was

Amy was an annoying character, but I loved her family, even Chris Elliot. The mom (don't know the actress's name) was probably my favorite if only for the episode where Robert finds out she smokes.

First television crush: Shawn from Boy Meets World.

Well, of course. A syllabus composed of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, and Whitman is accurate for the 1950's, and there's nothing wrong with reading them. But Mr. Keating's understanding of them doesn't extend very far beyond "this shit fucking rocks," and his pedagogy consists primarily of having them shout lines of

As an English teach, I have a complicated relationship with Dead Poet's Society. On the one hand, it fed my desire to get into this racket when I was a teenager. On the other hand, the "teaching" style portrayed therein is ludicrous, devoid of content, and despite its rebellious ethos remains totally committed to the

His recent turn on the Moth podcast was pretty awesome. It's about his visit to a concentration camp and it's fucking hilarious.

I also love that ending. Even though most of that stuff wasn't all that important plot-wise, as Miles points out, each of those secrets seemed to represent something significant for the characters. The Turk/Carla/Cox triangle didn't really go anywhere, but, to me, Cox's unrequited crush on Carla says a lot about where


Oh my god! It's an iPad app too.

I was 8 when SOMI came out, and I loved the shit out of it. I'm going to hunt for a playable version this weekend. I imagine I'll enjoy it more now that I'm capable of appreciating the jokes.

The hematopathologist that everyone fears is one of those great details that makes me like this show. It makes the world of the hospital feel textured and realistic without sacrificing a sense of humor and whimsy.

I saw them in their proper order, and I don't know if it reflects poorly on me that the reveal at the end completely took me by surprise. "Where do you think we are?" is pretty devastating.

Indeed. I can barely sit through one of his films (original Mummy is ok in a brainless kind of way), but his episodes on Scrubs are some of my favorites. "My Hero" is my favorite episode of the whole series.

I'm conflicted.

Can't resist:

The middle of Buffy Season 7 has been a little draggy and not at all helped by its over-ambition: attempting to resolve character arcs in the main cast while simultaneously expanding it. The flaws to me, however, are no more distracting than the flaws of any other season. Season 4 is an apt comparison: a season that

And I should add that there are parts of the mini-series that I love: the moments when Roslin is trying to keep her shit together, "striking a superior asshole," the final dogfight, any moment with Helo. It's just a long slog (it could easily have been a two hour movie or double episode, imo) for someone who isn't