
Here's to hoping the overt call backs stay in the prologue, otherwise I'm cautiously optimistic

Given To Fly brings back the early post-college years when I started to really grow up.

I like martyrs a lot but it is definitely not something you can be immediately ready to watch again.

what i wish the ref had said….

i will give it a watch for a few episodes just for the simple reason that it used to be a show i would never miss. the same goes for whenever the simpsons decides to call it quits. i'll watch the last season out of respect, but i think the sun is going to crash into the earth before that happens.

my eyes! the goggles do nothing!

A surveillance camera!?

I'm the first NON-Brazilian man to travel back in time!

Advice: if you ever get a hold of the room to watch it, purchase and download the RiffTrax commentary to go with it. It makes it even better.

pretty damn good movie if i say so myself

if it's This Island Earth, does that mean that there will be a MST3K movie sequel? Oh dear god please say yes.


don't forget, Redbull hives you that perfect morning after abortion. TO THE EXTREME