yer mom

there was no difference of opinion. my opinion was that i dislike when a festival has headliners with no appeal. yumshshsh's opinion was that i was whining. correct, but i can hardly see how voicing that requires seniority or any sort of insight, for that matter. elitist trash's opinion was that he enjoys the

thanks for refereeing there elitist spanky. glad you're involved now. double.. oy vey.. maybe if you could properly compose sentences from the outset you wouldn't feel the need to overcompensate by whipping out the thesaurus. yumsmshssh.. i take no offense, i was whining, but the headliners do account for the

"Besides for the Yummsh post…" Huh?

I saw the Beasties at Sasquatch two years ago and it was already pretty lame. I still respect those guys for their musical output but its hard not to sound cool singing Hey Ladies when you're pushing 50. Pearl Jam is just a band I could never get into. I know they're beloved, but they put me into a coma. Dave

pearl jam, beastie boys, dave matthews band

I haven't
seen a single one of those performances. I think I've slept over half an hour of Passion Fish

maybe you could die of something more original than canceraids. how about syphilleukemia?

Finally, validation after all those hours jerking off to KPAX. I just thought I had a fetish for ham-handed, new age crap.

season 2
Kenny goes to Botswana and opens a detective agency.

whie we're talking about gram
what the fuck is 'new soft shoe' about?

Baby wants to fuuuuuck! Like a worm or a grasshopper.

I don't want to watch any show about the fashion industry
unless it features copious cocaine bingeing.

Rock Facts
What does Wu Tang Clan have in common with the Grateful Dead and Bjork?

even reading about pearl jam is boring

I think one just did. Passive-aggressively, no less.

meryl streep
needs to make a cameo appearance as the wealthy dowager whose social function is somehow disrupted by the stooges.

i don't
even give a shit. i just added a picture to my profile and wanted to be sure all was copacetic

is this meant to be synced
with that movie of the same name where louis gossett jr. plays the pregnant alien? cause i'm going to try it anyways