Jake Karnak

And yet we never see a weary Superman, or one struggling for control.  It might be argued that Supes mastered the control/nonuse of his powers as they appeared and never fretted about it since.  You want to see this control and tireless work ethic explored believably? Don't read Superman… read Astro City Samaritan

And yet we never see a weary Superman, or one struggling for control.  It might be argued that Supes mastered the control/nonuse of his powers as they appeared and never fretted about it since.  You want to see this control and tireless work ethic explored believably? Don't read Superman… read Astro City Samaritan

@avclub-a5a8cd6b5daceee703832115ea4e73e6:disqus He permanently labotomized one and killed a symbiotic link with another.  So really, this is permanent damage.  One guy's powers are in theory gone, and he won't possibly think as himself ever again.  The girl had alien organisms grafted to her and he poisoned her to

@avclub-a5a8cd6b5daceee703832115ea4e73e6:disqus He permanently labotomized one and killed a symbiotic link with another.  So really, this is permanent damage.  One guy's powers are in theory gone, and he won't possibly think as himself ever again.  The girl had alien organisms grafted to her and he poisoned her to

I really really didn't want to get in a Bats/Supes flame war.  Really.  But to address your point… with the exceptions of Darseid and Bizzaro and Mxy, all of Superman's repeat foes are less everything than he is: less fast, less durable, less strong, etc.  That's where the lack of drama comes from; Superman is nearly

I really really didn't want to get in a Bats/Supes flame war.  Really.  But to address your point… with the exceptions of Darseid and Bizzaro and Mxy, all of Superman's repeat foes are less everything than he is: less fast, less durable, less strong, etc.  That's where the lack of drama comes from; Superman is nearly

Yes.  Yes to this.  Superman is not only the least complex hero emotionally, he has zero complexity.  And thus, you can't root for him, only what he stands for, which everyone who roots for the good guys would do anyway.  He's a moral moebius strip.

Yes.  Yes to this.  Superman is not only the least complex hero emotionally, he has zero complexity.  And thus, you can't root for him, only what he stands for, which everyone who roots for the good guys would do anyway.  He's a moral moebius strip.

That whole story was hypocritical nonsense.  I don't usually root for the grim and gritty kill first heroes, but I did that story.  Manchester Black had some legit points, which Supes mitigates by… torturing the entire opposing team?  Yeah.  Pretty much all you need to know about hating Superman.  Infinite power,

That whole story was hypocritical nonsense.  I don't usually root for the grim and gritty kill first heroes, but I did that story.  Manchester Black had some legit points, which Supes mitigates by… torturing the entire opposing team?  Yeah.  Pretty much all you need to know about hating Superman.  Infinite power,

Saw this.  Definitely leagues better than the second film.  Lots of fun, with a little sad sting at the end.  Worth a rental or a matinee ticket.

Saw this.  Definitely leagues better than the second film.  Lots of fun, with a little sad sting at the end.  Worth a rental or a matinee ticket.

Emma Thompson is in this too.  I was on the fence until I read that.  She's a great actress who can be very funny (and looks hot all dolled up despite her years).  So there goes your almost?

Emma Thompson is in this too.  I was on the fence until I read that.  She's a great actress who can be very funny (and looks hot all dolled up despite her years).  So there goes your almost?

Hunter S. Thompson during and after a bender?

Riddle me this, ladies and gents…. is this finally the day that AV CLub poster extraordinaire The Riddler gives us a conundrum whose answer includes a yellow fruity writing implement?


Plus one like, if only for the Venom reference. 

IF the shadow assassin (noun not a modifier, how odd) were NOT a one shot deal, wouldn't it have killed Brienne and Lady Stark?  Witnesses, to any crime, but especially treasonous murder, are bad.  I don't know what good warning other potential targets would be, but there are other magical forces we've seen… perhaps

I am guessing you guys overlooked… that sign up ahead… next stop, The Twilight Zone.  Still best show ever, for my money.