Jake Karnak

Hey AV Crew,
      I'm a big fan of Bane, at least as far as his own stories go (when used as a guest star the writers tend to make him dumber and more thugish, just like this episode).  I think it's tough to make a credible threat to Batman that isn't Joker or Ra's.  You have to be crazy smart, and skilled in some

I would assume the latter part of the sentence, about him having lived there in a former life, would be the arguable part.  A bunch of that movie could be just hallucination, not ghost.  So that part, the why he went nutty part, is certainly arguable.

That Fea, I don't know what the town of Uffering ever did to him, but he went overboard when he shaved their goat.

I'm happy that you're happy… you shit brained, fuck faced, ball breaking, duck fucking, pain in the ass.

Which would make the question harder, not easier, and thus more fun to answer, right?  I mean, right?

I have only a couple of tattoo possibilities, both I have not done yet.  I have long wanted FEAR ANGER HATE SUFFERING in a loop around my entire upper thigh (with no break in it).  It's the only cool speech in all the Star Wars prequels.  I have always had trouble managing my negative emotions and that'd be a great

I knew I wouldn't be the first to correct the screen caption.  I give five internet points to bding7.  Only 37 more until you get your free four slice toaster oven!

It wasn't on actually.  The Indy 500 was (at least here on the East Coast) due to a rain delay over the weekend.

For some reason, I imagine that @BarryMcCockiner:disqus has the voice of the panicky Homer Simpson while I read the above.  Then, I LOLed.  I especially liked the term "has the spins".

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus Strange Days has actually gotten better with age (as more weirdo elements from it have come true in a dytopian way).  I consider it an alternate history noir film.  And I can watch it over and over.  And y'know the fact that it never mentions the Y2K bug is a slot in the

You use this word, alcoves?  I LOVE In Bruges.  I saw it like six times in theaters (for free) and own the DVD (which I bought).

Shocked, shocked I say, that no one noticed how much RSL looks like Dick Van Dyke in that outfit and pose.  Terribly obvious.  And funny.

I was two weeks behind as of last week.  I watched the Guy's Night Out followed by Lonely Hearts Job and it really totally shows off how much better Guys Night Out was.  Any show that takes the time to make all the bad guys funny and interesting (even the muscle/punks) is the kind of show I'll come back to.  The

Not that I can wade into the cop/nun sex debate (weird mental images all around) but I would've thought that Eliot should've taken the cop home too.  We know she gave him the 2nd gold sedan.  I just want to know how he managed to get it out of her.  And yeah, the nun going for Eliot makes sense in a repressed Catholic

Yes, TMReplicant that novella is one of his best, melding the great character arcs with solid creepy moments.  Best thing in it?  Toaster for the KO followed by the realization that beat-downs, even successful ones, aren't for everyone.

Best Cookie Monster post ever.  Yes, Virginia, I am a Red Sox fan.  Well put sir.

I worked in movie theaters for half a decade in a metro-downtown area.  We only had two near riots in my time there.  One was when the 2 PM Saturday show of Freddy V. Jason melted during the first ree on opening weekendl.  Angry high teenagers are no fun when there are over 500 of them and you can't give them their

Peekay wins the internets. 

But is Scott Tobias the greatest champion who never was of modern times?

He's done a couple of their season finales, right?  I think Frakes does a better job with challenging or weird material.  This was aces.