Jake Karnak

That statistic is not a lie.  I thought this episode dragged a bunch, but really the lack of Chuddy gives this disjointed season a whole letter grade bump on principle.

Whyever would you *eat* the locusts?  And how many calories are there in bad CGI?

I, like MayorVaughn, liked this a hella lot more than Tasha.  It's not a horror movie, but it was marketed as one.  The bulk of the film is Craig's character coming to grips with the fact that his family is dead and he's not, and he can't remember how any of it happened.  There's a lot of well-mined melancholy there. 

Oh god, I could do this all night…

Harlan Ellison?  Jesus, so many of his tales end horribly.  Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes, Like a Glass Goblin, The Song the Zombie Sang, The Deathbird.  Just huge dollops of unalloyed pathos.  Still, A Good Woman has them beat.  A man finally gets laid… and then nuclear war.  POW!

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  That is all.

If you're ever in a life or death trivia throwdown with Ken Jennings, Watson, Wesley Snipes, Kurt Russell, and Marilu Henner and the question, "Which recording artist has hosted/starred in the most MTV specials?" occurs, the answer of "Weird Al Yankovic" may save you from a steel cage match with the giant squid or


The absolutel best line of this review,  "I love Worf, but—really? A Klingon who always seems one bad day away from going Keith Moon on quarters, Worf has never struck me as someone capable of calming down—from a position of full alert, mind you—so immediately."

I just don't think this crossover stuff matters, and will just chalk it up to branding and trying to cross-pollinate viewers of other shows.  Unless we get a 3 way crossover that had an Alpha with and Artifact in EurekA… then all hell breaks loose.  And since the last of Eureka is in the can already, I'm not going to

Well they have shown us brain controlled hormonal changes with Bill's superstrength where the brain is the trigger to the power, but the glands/hormones do all the work.  This could be a weird fight or flight chemical reaction in the brain that drops the pH of our evil alpha's sweat for example.  Just so long as we

It really wasn't an Alpha-of-the-week format.  Bill and Gary's excellent adventure didn't have an Alpha, for example.  We also had several "problem from within" type episodes (like last week and the week prior to it with 2 Alphas).  I'm not all that worried about the mythology expanding; I think of this more like an

I LOVED this finale.  The character beats were perfect.  The action scenes were a bit muddled, but it felt like that was intentional, to jar the viewer just like the team.  We even had a few new ALPHAS make cameos in the warehouse- some of whom had to escape right?

Um, may I introduce you to Shine A Light?  You might like it better if it were the Rolling Stones…

Two girls, one show, tip generously?

I think this episode was better than our reliable reviewer makes it out to be.  I think the best thing about this show is the team chemistry and we had so many cool moments of that this episode, plus more about Binghamton, and no one defected (thank you jeebus).  I think we can all agree that the dialogue on this show

I've been watching PI for years, and I'd like to respond to @avclub-7e2279e379fb7bc6b468c1e7846fdea4:disqus  by pointing out that Maher ISN'T mysogynist, he's merely anti-marriage.  Maher has come out for individual women many times on the show, and will make generalizations about the sexes, but usually makes fun of

I too love the movie.  It's weirdly involving and fun, but makes you guilty too.  An odd balance for a film.  And great performances by all the leads.  Worth a watch just on principle.

Failed eigthsies?  Plus Kate?

Yes @avclub-d5b4b35e6d483ce901e07da8e083fe0e:disqus !  I totally watched this finale with someone who never watches the show, and when the stormtroopers and all were killed, I literally said, "Yeah they must have round the clock cleaners at this place."