Jake Karnak

I heard a few episodes of X-1 rebroadcast on AM radio.  Ken Ober used to do a nightly thing in the Boston area.  The one I still remember is the spacemen land on an alien planet and slowly start forgetting everything… goofy story with a very intelligent and subversive resolution.

That makes no sense.

Yeah, I believe our intrepid reviewer got the timeframe explanation backwards.  The people who are sick, die in one day, but get to see all their loved ones grow and prosper, checking in periodically.  The people who are well get to check back with their sick brother/uncle/granduncle periodically where he's NOT all

See above pro-Strathairn post. (edited for typo madness)

Um, sorry to disagree but 16 Blocks was one of the sleeper hits of its year.  Mos Def is UNBELIEVABLE in it (when I saw him on Politically Correct months later using his normal voice, I flipped my lid) and it really maxes out all of the script's character development, plot twists, and action scenes.  I love the hell

"You know how to play winning, hard-nosed football?  You play it the way Ed Genero played football!  He was halfback, 160 pounds, and he played like wildman, NO, like a goddamn rampaging beast!  … You rip their heads off, then you shit down their necks… let us pray!"

Watch Blueberry Nights.  If you can get through his monologue in the middle with no emotional reaction, you're a tougher nut to crack than me.  David S. is the most sophisticated actor Alphas has.  And it shows.

Guys, guys, guys, LOCKE & KEY's Omega Key, for the win.  It opens the black door.  That's some heavy juju.

You know Rosen's not an Alpha and that he missed the body part he was aiming for, right?  The Shrink that Couldn't Shoot Straight is a great screwball comedy title.

I agree with you JB.  The scenes people weren't happy with worked for me.  I loved Andy and Terry getting third and second dimensions respectively.  I loved Tommy's death despite it being arbitrary.  I also loved Jason's buyer's remorse.

And another great ensemble performance wrestled out of the crew by Jonathan Frakes.  He did the last finale too, didn't he?  Great episode that showcases each team member, even without a crazily cool con to build on.  I will miss this show on its hiatus.  And yes, the Park/Alec stuff was by far the best.

Tommy went there to either
a) Step in for Sam (saving him some grief in an attempt for atonement).

So does that mean you need a writer for season two?
 *Calmly raises hand*

It's okay.  Voyager had two gingers.  Clearly, she had to represent for them.  Otherwise, yeah, DS9 all the way.

Alyson Hannigan circa Buffy Season 3?

Shauna Black was just in an episode of something or other this week.  In my mind, she totally beats Ms. Swift in the looks and smoldering department.

I don't think the wife is bland or pointless, I just think she's really in the dark.  She doesn't seem to know about his Alpha ability and only knew a small fraction of what he does do at work.  Either she's going to figure it out or our man is going to have to keep hiding it from her.  It's an interesting idea, if a

While that's true, it's a much smaller mass, and would potentially be a softer sound.  This show is a lot of fun and I dig it.  They are nailing the character and team building aspects of this team.

Yes, you have all been wrong.  I saw the potential in the 90 minute pilot and other than some really stupid episode order juggling by Syfy, it's been better every single week.  Watch last week's episode and laugh and get on board.  The show is like Heroes, only coherent and without the constant threat of a lame-o big
