Jake Karnak

You are correct Tom S. It was awsome. But the books the show was based on are exactly the same way, and the stories are so fun to read (unlike say the Holmes canon) that you don't care. I read for the Archie/Nero/Kramer banter and thus they are all endlessly rereadable.


It's a good movie people!
I saw this in theaters, and had no previous experience to WKW, but I loved the hell out of it. The weird, blurry, up-too-many-hours-drank-too-much-jitter-juice cinematography won me over almost immediately. Combine that with the relaxed (except for Rachel W.) preformances and sort of

Witless chum sure isn't.

Profdragon… I love your phrasing… but it limits the casting to Lady Gaga.

On the topic of names (and I know this has been half brough up before at least).

Ah, you realize Shamalan that NO Baratheon ever had a blonde kid, let alone three of them, right? Modern genetics aside, Cersei admits they're all Jaime's kids. So he might appear to have a right, but really doesn't. And poor Eddard just thought that'd be enough to turn the tables. I don't think tragic hero fits

Sorry I was out of state all week and couldn't respond until today. There was moving and packing and trucking and no internet. So I'm behind. My twitter alone took like 2 hours to get caught up on… ugh. But to respond…

Regarding the fade to black at the end:
I liked it, especially paired with the dungeon beginning of this episode. It's not as abrupt when seen as bookends. And the beginning ragged breathing with low light made me think of Kill Bill Part 2. Pretty neat.

I just don't think commentary (provided it's on things that has been shown on both medium) constitutes spoilers- I wouldn't do it as per the rules, but I think it's a dumb anti-analysis rule just as this article muses. I didn't call anyone out as wrong, I just thought the "la la la I can't hear you" was the worst I'd

I am a psychic… or maybe an AV Club writer in disguise!
No, I am neither Kreskin nor the Dread Piercing Pirate Leonard, but I totally agree with this sentiment.

That too. Jaime becomes leader in Selmy's place (which was poorly worded by me I suppose).

This stuff? Hopefully no one.

Not to be the contrary guy for it's own sake, but really there are other characters to come back from the dead in the series before Catelyn. So it's not like that's a trick that can be used only once. Plus, there has been what, at least 5 or 6 characters that we thought dead for huge chunks of book who turn out not

Point of ORDER!!
Hey Todd, Jaime Lannister is set to be the new leader of the Kingsguard, who protect the king, not the City Watch, which protects the city. Jaime replaced the forcibly retired Baristan Selmy, who was believably displeased.

No videogame references?
Virtual Boy.


The Defenders would be a good team to have in your corner, but they can't handle time sensitive issues, due to all the in-team bickering. By the time the Hulk and Dr. Strange had quit taking the piss at each other, you're nice and digested by Fin Fang Foom or the Dread Dormammu. I mean, any team with Namor and Hulk

Good call on BPRD, except when non-occult things pop up. Then you've got a team full of military agents that have no discrete authority, and a bunch of almost monsters. Could you see them trying to help someone out of a regular joe style problem? You've got a pyro, a fish guy, a living statue, and a were-jaguar.

@i and 1
Longshot is alive, since he can't die until Mojo's rule is stamped out in the Mojoverse. Good ole missing fingers was genetically engineered to do just that. There was a series of annuals in the nineties X-titles (Shattershot) that spelled it all out. It even involves time loops and possibly cloning.