Jake Karnak

Can this goodie goodie crud…
All of you guys assume you're in trouble because something bad happened to you. I don't know if it's just me, but if I need a-savin' it's probably because I did something horrible and Johnny Law (or his super-equivalent) is coming after me. In that case, the team I want as the cavalry is…

@Sam Proponent

These characters are uniformly dumb, B-
I did think this was an angstfest. I didn't have as much problem with it as most of the audience it seems. I thought the Taub plot was the most forced (with Foreman getting all the best lines), followed by 13, then House as the most believable based on the characters'

Correction: The Essential Ellison
Hey AV Club Writer guy:
I own the Essential Ellison the 35 year retrospective. The reason it's out of print is that it's been updated to a 50 year retrospective published in 2005. That's still in print.

The only drugs I can think of mentioned by name in Transmet are jumpstart (a mental enhancer) and mechanics. There were lots of LSD analogs in the series too.

Not private now…



To be fair to Wario, the O is also flipped. You just didn't notice…

Funny enough, most characters in the books fluctuate in my esteem in the books except Jon and Davos (not introduced yet, no worries). So while you won't think you'd care about persons A B C (and I pretty much thought Lady Catelyn really boring and Theon really whiny until some stuff happens) you may in time when they

There are some things you don't understand about the storytelling of the series, having never read the books. First and foremost, the books are organized into chapters which each have a different first person perspective. There are so many characters that it can routinely be many chapters/pages of book


This is my favorite episode. There is nothing at all wrong with it and lots and lots of amazing action and character beats.

Yeah, this should have been mentioned…
even if it hadn't been made when the original list was written:

Yo Mister Sims!
Across the Narrow Sea is really just a way of saying "the next continent over". There are countries and city states there too, but they don't come into the tale for a long while (like not this season). The Dothraki are actually in a giant unpopulated grassland called the Dothraki Sea.

I hope they get a former athlete who isn't all that great looking… does the WNBA have a woman built like Charles Barkeley with the Maid of Tarth's coloring?

In defense of Masters…
First of all, I liked this epiosode even though it lacked any surprises. The chicken thing was funny. The vanishing internship bit was what House would do. The PotW wasn't a great case per se, but I loved the parallels made between Masters and the patient. And whoever called the bit about

Hate to bust the hyperbole bubble (and I picture it smelling of champagne and glittering with diamond bling) but there have to be a billion worse female characters than Masters. Huddy era Cuddy is the obvious one. I think (if we're going to stick to TV) Jan Brady is the defending champion. Any shrew or doormat

I of course love Masters. The show needs a Jimminy Cricket character to oppose House. There weren't any left once 13 was gone and Huddy was full-time. So she was necessary. Plus, having someone younger and socially awkward in the opposite way that House is (shy instead of grating and brash) made for some fun

I'm going to go A- on this one…
I really liked this episode. There were no missteps that I could see. The House/13 plot was well done, and they both are masters of the deadpan banter. The PotW had two interesting twists, and I liked that it was more a case for psychology than other brands of medicine.