Jake Karnak

Dammit. I thought I was going to be the first to mention that way weird movie. And Alan Rickman paints parrots… which sounds like a joke or a typing test, but isn't either one.

Y'know I think DA was the first Astro City arc to be a failure as a story as a whole. It just doesn't connect enough dots between each chapters. But the first and the last parts are pretty good. I did get really sick of the two POV characters by the end though.

What're you lookin' at?
"I'm lookin' at a guy inna wheelchair, acting like a jerk inna wheelchair!"

No one should watch Handcock, if they can help it. Truly awful movie, possibly the worst of its year, and easily the action flick that squanders its premise most completely and swiftly.

Yeah, until he starts deliberately fighting himself, I agree with you. But he does and that makes it redonkulous.

What no

B for this
I think this review underplays a lot of the movie's strengths. The music and cinematography are amazingly well done. The bit characters are well-sketched by excellent actors (William H. Macy, John Leguizamo, M. Tomei) and while the plot is a cliche, it's done in a reliably fun way. I'd watch this again

Point of order, we know he was alive BEFORE the fire was set. His corpse has smoke in its lungs. Yeah, the Liam plot isn't the strong part of the program, due to Liam's character, not the actor's performance.

I say it's a B; here's why.
First, this episode was much funnier than most of this season. I am stunned, STUNNED that no one mentioned the Ferris Bueller or Miss Tessmacher references. Those made me laugh, just on their own, without the MM confusion.

Uh, Andy Bob, if you haven't read the books, how do you know they've screwed them up? The reviews I read have been fair, which is all I ask for in a Matt McC movie.

I'm not a huge fan of this actor, but I probably will see the movie for the premise alone. I'm a nerd like that. It's the same reason I'll see THOR and almost the same reason (good source material) that will make me see the Lincoln Lawyer.

Only in your timeline.

Funny typos make me laugh
In 100 years, even the Inventory's will be sentient. All your lists are belong to us!

I am no expert on women's clothing, but I think Masters's outfits are less objectionable than Cuddy's. Martha is just a kid who is trying to look grown up with no one to tell her what to do different. So she can be an oddity or trainwreck without it detracting from her character, if only because she's in no position


Ooops, I admittedly missed the introductory clause in the 2nd paragraph. Is that a bad ninja grammar firstie?

B+ Indeed
Well now, this was pretty neat. Other than the Caleb and the 'Ho dialogue, I liked literally everything in this episode (except the one corrupt guy with my last name, that bugged me, but I know I'm being biased). Yes, there are lots of pat parts (like the first scene with our boys and the madam) but they

This is a C. Not a C+, nor a C-, a C!
I thought a ton of this episode was wasted energy. I really hope that wasn't the point (sort of an overarching theme, what with House's leisure habits, the bronco rider's skills, and Cuddy and Wilson's handwringing) because that isn't just a giant middle finger to the viewers,

Don't forget to tip your waitresses!

It's not the noise that makes her feel guilty, it's when he turns back into a 12 year-old crippled newsboy in a red sweater afterwords. That'd lay some hard Freudian all over anybody. Just him limping over to his pants would be a major downer.